Black Moon

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Standing atop of the balcony I reach a tender hand out and clasp the rough wood of the banister, ignoring the knots and natural lines in the carefully carve piece, I step closer to the edge a peer down at the massive crowds which casually swarm below me.

Its not hard to guess why they are all here, with so much hectic panic and preparation around the castle and village – everyone barking orders to get the preceding’s done all in due time you had to be dead to not notice that it was the princesses birthday.

Well my birthday.

Sure the “special” day wasn’t here yet but that didn’t stop the wild party’s and upcoming excitement that appeared to flourish through the people. I suppose it was a contagious vibe, to the people below me this was a big event - after all its not everyday the princess turns 16.

Little do they know of the horrors, which come with my turning of age. If they knew they would probably be chasing me with pitchforks, all but ready to flay me alive. They would curse my very existence, hide their children, and hole away somewhere far away from this prison.

I know that’s what I want to do, a wave of disgust and sorrow washes over me forcing my stomach to flop uncomfortably and my heart rate to pick up its pace.

Turning my back on the crowd I gulp down the sudden illness that seems to sweep over me. There would be no stopping the royal families secret from bursting out of my very skin on the night of my birthday.

Given the opportunity someone may embrace the curse that was bestowed upon us, but in my mind they would have to be beyond insane. If I were given the chance I would be rid of the horror I knew was to come, and run for the hills but of course nothing was that easy.

Sure I was going to become strong, incredibly so – but what would be the use of it when you couldn’t control it, couldn’t think for yourself, to be consumed by an animalistic thirst that would only be sated by human blood.

The curse of the Lycan is considered an incurable disease passed on through a bite. It’s only the royal family – my family – that knows the real truth behind it.

I wasn’t bitten. I never asked for this. I was born into it; I was born to kill and to tear. To be a powerful creature that people feared in the dark, to hunt and to make innocent peoples lives a living hell.

Clenching my fist I push the thoughts of the villages from my mind and their pitiful celebrations, in time it wont mean a thing. After all every one of them is going to die at some point, what is the use in making their short lives miserable. One day they are bound to learn the truth, perhaps that will be the day, which this retched curse dies from this world, a day which I will finally be able to live in peace.

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