Chapter 2-- Who's the Clumsy One

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“Are you sure this is the right way?  Ocean and Glacier realized they were walking into the forest by the orphanage.

“Yeah, I like the nature, so the party will be held there.  Got a problem?” Anna rolled her eyes and kept walking.

The twins looked at each other, and shrugged.  Walking further, they looked around at the plants and the animals that they passed by.

There was a rustle and a heavy thump.

“What just happened?” Glacier sat up and looked around; apparently they fell into a ditch.  She was just walking when she felt a jerk on her arms and the next thing she knew she is sitting in this ditch.

“I think this is one of those traps that the hunters lay for the animals… but what kind of animal are they trying to trap if it could fit a couple grown men in here?” Glacier looked up; the height was at least double hers.

“Well if it wasn’t Mr. Clumsy right here,” Anna gave Ocean a glare, “he wasn’t paying attention so he pulled me down with him.”

“And you dragged me too,” Glacier sighed at the apologetic look Ocean gave her.

Anna seemed to have come to realize that there’s no way they can climb the ditch, the walls went straight up, no ropes no ladder not a thing to help them climb.  Panic filled her head, “Help! Help!!!” This did not go the way she planned, she wanted the twins to fall in, not dragging her along. “Somebody help!”

“Well, we haven’t seen anyone on the way here, no one is out there.” Glacier simply stated while taking a seat on the ground; Ocean sat right next to her.

“What, so we’re just going to die here?”

“Nah, there will be hunters checking their traps every morning.”

“No, I have to get out of here now, what if the couple left without me? … I know, you two can push me up there and I’ll find some sort of help when I come back.”

Glacier and Ocean remained on the ground.

“Please, I’m begging you guys I have to show up right now.”

Seeing the plead in her eyes Ocean agreed to help, but he couldn’t lift her up alone; he gave a look to Glacier.

Knowing exactly what the look meant, Glacier only walked over because of Ocean.  They put their arms and hands together and made a little step, Anna stepped on it and they lifted with all their might, although they couldn’t lift her too high, it was enough for her to grab the edge and give one last push before she climbed over the opening.

“Ok… Can you… can you get us out now?  Drop down some vine or branch or something.” Ocean was panting trying to catch his breath.  Man she is heavy, he thought; but of course he wouldn’t say it out loud, it would only eliminate the chance of her helping them out.

“Ha ha, I can’t believe you guys fell for it.  It was just a trick to get rid of you.” Anna’s face is now showing all the hatred.  “Now, now, you can stay here and starve, I will tell everyone that you guys ran off, and no one is ever going to look for you.” With that she walked away not turning back once.

“So much for letting her step on my arms.” The twins said at the same time.

“Well, let’s get out then,” Ocean and Glacier walked over and picked up a large net, it was used to cover the top and hold all the dirt and leaves, these nets were used often to disguise traps, it’s hard to tell it apart from the ground.

“Looks like you got an idea.”

“Looks like we got an idea.”

Glacier and Ocean lifted the same side of the net and tossed the other over the top, after a couple attempts, it seemed to have caught something.  They tugged to make sure it is secure, and climbed out in no time.

“Well, we can’t go back now; she’ll try other ways to get rid of us.”

“Is Mr. Clumsy scared?” Glacier had a teasing tone in her voice.

“Pfft, like she can do anything threatening.  Hmm… let’s just hang out with Mother Nature today; it’s tiring to be around certain people.”

The twins explored every single corner they could find.  They found berries, animals, flowers, all kinds of things they never had a chance to see.

After an hour or so, Glacier shouted pointing to the water, “Hey Creek!  It’s you!”

“Stop giving me stupid nicknames!”

Glacier always called Ocean different bodies of water, ‘pool’, ‘puddle’, ‘dam’, anything she can possible think of; but only when they’re alone, of course.

“And that’s a…”

“Waterfall?” they said in unison.  Never had they knew that a waterfall is just right in their backyard, it’s small and quiet compared to the ones they seen in books.

“Dare me?”

“Dare me?”  They gave each other a smile, ran towards the fall and jumped at the same time.

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