Chapter 5: 221B, Baker Street

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(Your POV)

"She stays with me and John, of course."

My mouth dropped open. "Sorry, what?" I'd only just met this man and he wanted me to move in with him. Sherlock clearly didn't have any sort of grasp of social construct. I looked around, praying that Lestrade and John were as surprised as I was. They were.

"Um... Sherlock?" John muttered. "What are you doing?"

"What the hell-?" Lestrade started to object, but gave up, shaking his head. "Sherlock, you can't just... Forget it. That's not happening."

Sherlock looked around at each of us, genuinely confused. "What?" He asked, growing concerned. "She obviously can't stay here, I thought it would be polite to offer."

"I've only just met you!" I exclaimed. "And you want me to... move in??? I mean, I'm flattered, I guess, but-" John's head was whipping back and forth, following the conversation. Clearly, he didn't fancy the idea, either.



"You'll only be there temporarily- I don't need the likes of you sticking around for too long." Everyone's eyes widened in shock. Rude. Even John, and he knew Sherlock much better than I did.

"SHERLOCK!" He yelled. The entire crime scene seemed to freeze, every paramedic and police man turning in our direction. John, clearly flustered, reached up and grabbed Sherlock's shoulder, spinning him around and whispering to him sternly. However, it was still loud enough for me and Lestrade to overhear. "You can't just talk to someone like that!"

"Can't I?" Sherlock replied, clearly annoyed but rather smug as well.

"NO. And what the hell was all that about? She can't stay with us- the apartment only has two beds!"

"There's a couch."

"You're not making her sleep on the couch."

"Do you want her to stay somewhere tonight or not, John?!"

"You know," Lestrade piped up, and the boys whirled around to face him. "She could just stay in a hotel or something. Sherlock, I don't know what's gotten into you. She is NOT staying with you two, and that's final."

"No, no, NO." Sherlock placed his head in his hands, trying to comprehend his idiocy. "Come on, Lestrade. Don't you see? She's not SAFE in some hotel. Where she's SAFE is with me and John. She stays with us, and that's final." He stood taller and looked down at Lestrade, a determined look in his eyes. Now that I was wearing his trench coat, he was left in a white button-up with the sleeves rolled up. As he stood taller, maximizing his height, I noticed how great his arms looked with that shirt. How great everything looked. I sighed internally. Why are the cute ones always such jerks? Not that it mattered, he was way too old. Hey, I can look at the menu, I just can't order.

Lestrade kept opening and closing his mouth, debating whether or not to oppose Sherlock. I decided to pipe up instead. "So, do I get a say in this, or...?"

"Of course she does." John answered quickly, knowing that I had no intention of agreeing with Sherlock's plan.

"Great, because-"

"Oh, don't be ridiculous, John. Of course she doesn't." I looked at Sherlock, offended by his statement. He looked down at me, smirking. "I know what's best. I don't expect you to understand that." He looked away, clearly pleased with himself. I was fuming. First, he calls me and idiot, then says I'm quite intelligent, than calls me an idiot again? And he expects me to stay at his flat? I don't think so.

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