Chapter 30: Merry Christmas! Now Leave Me Alone.

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A/N: Wowowowow thank you guys so much for 28K reads and nearly 1.5K votes!! I absolutely love reading your comments, thanks for the love! Enjoy, lovelies :) P.S. Happy spoopy month.

(Your POV)

"The photographs are perfectly safe."

"In the hands of a fugitive sex worker."

"She's not interested in blackmail. She wants ... protection for some reason. I take it you've stood down the police investigation into the shooting at her house?"

"How can we do anything while she has the photographs? Our hands are tied."

"She'd applaud your choice of words." Sherlock said suggestively, a coy smirk playing on his lips.

"Boys." I reprimanded as John grinned. The whole morning, I had been trying to keep Sherlock and Mycroft from arguing- so far, so good. Not like anyone else was helping. John was too busy making jokes and Mrs. Hudson was just mothering us as usual. At least they weren't at each other's throats... yet. Sherlock was being too calm and indifferent for anything to happen.

It was kind of ticking me off, actually. The whole morning, he'd been acting like the little incident between us hadn't even happened yesterday. Maybe he was ignoring it, or maybe he couldn't remember because he was hyped up on drugs. Either way, his words still stung. But I supposed if he was going to act normal, then I should, as well.

Sherlock continued on his spiel. "You see how this works: that camera phone is her 'get out of jail free' card. You have to leave her alone. Treat her like royalty, Mycroft."

John piped up with his own innuendo. "Though not the way she treats royalty." I rolled my eyes as he sent a sarcastic smile to Mycroft, who returned the smile humorlessly. Honestly, you'd think this was a game to them.

"I think this whole thing is far more serious than you two are making it out to be." I said pointedly, sending a stern look to both John and Sherlock. Mycroft shot me an appreciative glance. Sherlock just hummed dismissively and I shook my head in defeat, turning my attention back to my breakfast. I froze mid-bite as the sound of an orgasmic sigh filled the room. Everyone except Sherlock looked at each other in bewilderment. I swallowed my food quickly, blushing. "What the hell was that?"

"Text." Sherlock said, nonchalant enough to be suspicious.

"But what was that noise?" John asked. Sherlock ignored him, standing up from the table to retrieve his phone which was laying nearby. He checked the new message, but didn't say anything about it. Instead, he turned his focus back to Mycroft. "Did you know there were other people after her too, Mycroft, before you sent us all in there? CIA-trained killers, at an excellent guess."

I snorted. Damn right he did. Stupid bastard. John seemed to be feeling the same contempt as I was. "Yeah, thanks for that, Mycroft." He said as Sherlock sat back at the table.

At that moment, Mrs. Hudson rushed in, carrying a plate of food from the kitchen and placing it in front of Sherlock. "It's a disgrace, sending your little brother into danger like that," she chided, "Family is all we have in the end, Mycroft Holmes." I nodded- I had to agree with Mrs. Hudson on this one.

"Oh, shut up, Mrs. Hudson." Mycroft scoffed. I nearly spat out my food.

"Mycroft!" "OI!" "Watch it!!" We all yelled furiously at Mycroft simultaneously, not tolerating any sort of disgrace towards Mama Hudson. Even Sherlock rushed to her defense. I scoffed internally. Wow, look, Sherlock does have feelings for once!

Upon seeing our angry faces glaring at him, he cringed and looked contritely at the elderly landlady. "Apologies."

"Thank you." Mrs. Hudson said in a dignified manner, heading off towards the kitchen.

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