Chapter 19: Sweep Me off My Feet

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(A/N: Ummm so like today's my 16th birthday or something... :D So in honor of that AND over 1.75k reads, I'll be uploading two parts today for your reading pleasure. I can promise plenty of fluff and cute moments- Enjoy!! )

(Your POV)

I'm no Disney Princess. When I wake up in the mornings, no chirping birds serenade my ears with sweet melodies as I slowly stretch and comb my fingers through my perfect (h/c) hair. No. Instead, I woke up the next morning with a stiff back, groaning.

With a new case to focus on, Sherlock wasn't spending his days moping about in his mind palace. This also meant that he was now using his bed again. Unfortunately, that left me stuck on the uncomfortable sofa once again. 

I sighed, sitting up and attempting to tame my wild hair with my fingers. After a few moments of trying to no avail, I gave up. I huffed, grabbing my phone to check the time.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. 7:30 a.m.? Well, aren't I the early bird this morning. John was probably gone already, he had said something about going shopping really early so we could do the case this afternoon. Guess it's just me and Sherlock. I stood slowly, stretching my stiff muscles. Knowing Sherlock wasn't a morning person, I knew he wouldn't be up until at least nine. Might as well take advantage of the personal time.

I made my way to the bathroom, allowing myself an extra-long time in the hot shower. It was just what I needed- my muscles were totally relaxed by the time I stepped out. Not planning to go anywhere until this evening, I changed into my around-the-flat clothes. Nothing fancy, just black leggings and a white crop-top. I put my wet hair up in a messy bun and headed out into the kitchen.

The flat was silent; the only noise was the quiet hum of the air conditioning. I sat at the kitchen table for a few moments, taking it in. It wasn't often you got peace and quiet around here. But once you did, it was maddening. When I couldn't take it anymore, I trotted over to where my iPod was plugged in on the kitchen counter. Scrolling through my playlists, I selected my Elvis one. Immediately, the tune of Blue Suede Shoes filled the kitchen, cutting through the silence.

I pulled out a pan and the last carton of eggs, ready to cook breakfast. Soon, the stovetop was on, the pan was sizzling, and the eggs were cooking. I stood there waiting for the eggs to finish, swaying to the music and tapping my foot.

A pair of cold arms wrapped around my waist. I gave a soft gasp, startled, before I realized the only person it could be. I relaxed, melting into Sherlock's chest as he rested his chin on top of my head. "Morning." His morning voice was low and raspy, and it sent shivers down my spine. Dang, that's sexy.

"Morning." I said softly. We stood silently for a moment, enjoying the music and the feel of each other's company. I thought about the Sherlock I had met that horrible night in front of my old flat complex- rude, uncaring, cold, harsh. Then I thought about the Sherlock I knew now- still the same to everyone else, I supposed. But when he was with me or John, he was totally different. He was kinder, sweeter. Like he was right now. I could never have imagined Sherlock acting this way when I met him nearly two months ago. Yet here he was, in the kitchen with me, holding me by the waist and swaying with me in time to the music. I chuckled softly to myself. Funny how wrong first impressions can be.

"What's so funny?"

I grinned, shifting and turning around so I was facing him. He kept his arms wrapped around me. I put my arms around his waist, drawing him in for a hug. "Nothing." I rested my head on his chest. "Want some eggs?" I tilted my chin to look up at him. His blue eyes were sparkling with life, even though it was early in the morning. His hair, however, was a mess. I resisted the urge to ruffle the curls. It's kinda cute, though.

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