Chapter 4

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It had been two weeks since Josh had been home and I now sat curled up on the tiled bathroom floor a positive pregnancy test in my hand as I sobbed loudly. Mel and Josh had gone out and Blake was on a run so I was alone.
"This can't be happening. It can't be." I shouted. I was suddenly distracted by the door being kicked in and Blake walking into the bathroom. He moved towards me and gently lifted me up and carryed me towards my bedroom depositing me gently onto my bed.
"I'm going to call your brother ." Blake muttered leaving the room.
"Am I a bad person?"

"No, why would you say that? " Blake asked
"I must be, why else would these bad things be happening to me , why am I being punished? I don't understand why this happened to me. Did I do something to deserve this?"
"No, no sweetheart , you didn't do anything wrong. Who ever did this to you was sick, you didn't do anything to deserve what happened. It's not your fault." Blake muttered running his hands gently over my hair, slowly calming me.
"Now just try and relax and ill go call your brother okay "
"Thank you Blake ." I whispered as he left the room.

Josh rushed home as soon as Blake told him what was happening he was pretty sure he had broken every speeding law to get home. He flew out of the car not even bothering to lock the doors before running into the house and taking the stairs three at a time. His heart partially broke as he looked down at the pregnancy test before pulling her into his arms. "It's okay baby girl , no matter what you choose to do ill support you ." Josh promised.

" I don't know what to do yet I need to think about it . I'm tired ."I sighed .
" I'm going to stay with you while you sleep okay ?" Josh muttered as I wriggled down the bed to get comfortable. I closed my eyes letting sleep take over. Maybe tomorrow I'd go and talk with my therapist. Maesteg then I'd know what I wanted to do .

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