Chapter Five

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Guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while it's been hard at home...

I love you all and please stay strong <3

#iamdiana <3



"Please stay Nialler. Pleeeeease!" I whined at the little blonde ball of joy as he placed his hand on the front door knob.

"Bear! You know I can't do that. Mum will kill me if I'm out past midnight!" I sighed, pouting at the older boy.

"But it's Friday! Please just tonight? I'll tell your mum...she'll be okay with it. Please Nialler, PLEASE!"

"Ugh jesus Ed you're a fucking deal aren't you,"

"Yep," I smirked, swooping the blonde off his feet and pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead, putting him down on the sofa and laying with him.

"Thank you boo," I smiled down at him and kissed his cheek. His fists clamped around my shirt as he smiled lightly.

"I-I love you Bear,"

"I love you too Ni. I'll always protect you,"

We fell asleep.


"LIAMMMM!" I yelled, trying to find my boyfriend. We were playing a (manly) game of Hide and Seek , and so far Liam was winning. 

"Marco!" I yelled again, hoping to find him. I looked up the stairs of his flat and decided I'd look up there.

"POLO!" Liam yelled from the top of the stairs. Now I knew he was up here. I flew up the stairs and into his bedroom, not seeing any movement. I decided to shut that door and look for him in his guest room. The bed was messy but no sign of Liam, which made me conclude that he was moving.

"Liam you can't move in a game of hide and seek you twat!" I giggled. 

"Yes I can!" I heard from down the hall. I ran after the sound of his sweet voice and eventually found my way to the laundry room. The washer and dryer lids were closed but how on earth would he fit in there.

Behind the door and in the closet was clear, but where else would he be in this tiny room. I decided to walk out but almost as soon as I turned on my heel I was face to face - or lips to lips - with my boyfriend.

He chuckled and picked me up, wrapping his arms under my bum to keep me from falling. With my legs around him tight, he walked down the stairs carefully, leading me into the kitchen where he connected our lips again, pushing me close to the sink.

I hopped up on the counter and wrapped my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his thin hair. He moaned a little and pushed up against me. Now, me being the klutz I am had to - of course - find some way to mess this up.

My bum slowly slid off the small piece of counter-top and into the sink, breaking Liam and I's lips apart. He just looked at me and started to laugh. He actually fell on the floor laughing, while I managed to get out of the sink and look at his laughing figure, rolling my eyes and smiling.

"Li Li, Toy Story!" I yelled, flopping myself on his couch. He instantly got up and ran to my side, cuddling my small figure and peppering my face with kissed.

"You know, sometimes I think you're a dog Li," I giggled, turning on the movie and pecking Liam's puppy-frown.



"Mffharrywhat?" He mumbled into my chest. I pressed a kiss to his head and lifted his half-asleep figure up slightly. 

"You were asleep. Mum called for dinner fifteen minutes ago and Gemma's visiting from America," I chuckled. 

"Sorry Hazza. 'M tired though," 

"I know you are baby, come on lets get downstairs," Louis smiled weakly and got up, only for me to grab his bum and swoop him up into my arms.

"Hazza is this completely necessary?" He yawned, rubbing his eyes a little. Fuck you Tomlinson you're too damn cute.

"No, but you seemed tired so I didn't want you walking," He set me down at the dinner table, earning stares from his Mum, Sister, and his step-father.

"What's for dinner Mrs. Styles?" He asked, still pawing at his little blue eyes.

"Anne, dear. Call me Anne. And it's just chicken; nothing special,"

"It's fine mum, right Boobear?" He nodded weakly and sat down next to me and Gemma. 

"Is Edward here? I called him but I didn't hear a response," She looked worried. 

"I think Niall told me he was here but I don't know," Aww Ed and Niall? This is going on twitter.

"So how long have you known my brother, Louis?" Gemma changed the subject abruptly and looked at him, smiling softly.

"He was one of my first friends at school. You know, being new and all," 

"That's good. Oh, and by the way Harry, yes he is adorable," Gemma just smiled all proud while my mouth was to the floor. I can't believe she actually just did that. Louis blushed a shade of pink and looked up at me with those fucking blue eyes.

Why God? Why me? Why him? Why why why why WHY?!

"Okay kids that's enough. Louis, would you like to tell us about where you used to live?" 

"Sure!" He smiled, being almost fully awake. And thats pretty much how dinner was...


When I got back in my room I pushed Louis onto my bed and closed my door before anyone could say anything else to the poor boy.

"Sorry Boo it's just tha-" I stopped when I saw Louis' shirt had ridden up, but that's not why I stopped. 

Cuts. Cuts on his stomach, cuts on his wrists, cuts on his feet. Cuts. Louis was a cutter. A fucking cutter, and I didn't know that. I could have helped him, I wish I could've been there. All I could do was stare as Louis' eyes brimmed with tears until he was full on sobbing.

"Aww Boo c'mere. I didn't mean to be rude. I want to help you; I need to help you," I said, kissing his tear-stained cheek. 

"My m-mum a-abu-us-ses m-m-me. She h-hits me an-nd t-throw-ws s-s-s-tuff Ha-a-z-za," His whole body was shaking as I scooped him up, rocking him in my arms. 

"Louis. Louis Tomlinson. Louis fucking Tomlinson look at me," His baby blue eyes flooded into mine as I leaned in to his delicate face.

"I love you," 

And I kissed him.

And he kissed back.


Again it's been really tough these last few weeks so please no hate.

but seriously shit's about to go down in this thing...

and I mean serious shit like......yeah :)

not gonna give away too much but I'm sorry and ILYSM BABY BOO'S NDJKSBDSKJ <3



VOTE for LIAM+MARCEL (please give me a ship name I'm clueless)

COMMENT for NIALL+EDWARD (same...need ship name...thankss)



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