Chapter 5

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Third Person P.O.V:

It has been 6 months and exactly two days since Niall ran away from the lads. The tour is starting up soon yet he is nowhere to be seen. Good thing he’s on his way home.

Niall’s feet hurt from walking so far. His empty stomach growls for food. Let’s face it, he’s starved. He walks further and further with only a backpack with money, clothes and his cell phone. Though, what good is a cell phone without batteries? He’s dirty. He hasn’t taken a nice, warm shower in over three weeks since he’s been walking. Where might he be walking? It’s a three month walk from where he was. Niall absolutely refuses to ride a plane, he’s convinced this is his final adventure.

It’s 1:00 am and Niall is exhausted. Up ahead, he sees clutters of lights. ‘A town?’ he thinks, ‘Maybe theres someplace to sleep there…’ he thinks to himself again and sprints to the lights.

Sure enough, there is a tiny town where he ran to. He stokes the area, trying to find someplace, anyplace to sleep. Niall takes creeky steps around the neighborhood, trying to be quiet. He walks further into the town and spots a sign saying, “Walk Inn Hotel!”

With Niall being exhausted, he couldn’t care if the hotel wasn’t high quality. It was a place to shower and rest, maybe even charge his phone and contact someone to tell them he’s alright.

What would Liam be thinking right now? Niall thought.

Oh who care’s, he doesn’t love you! He thought again, smirking to himself in a hurt manner. 

He took steps in to the walk in hotel, there a young lady around 25 with the name plate ‘Brenda’ was plated across her custardy-colored work gown.

“How may I help you?” She spurred, staring Niall up and down making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

“Uh, just one night in a room Ma’am.. Do you by any chance have any IPhone charger’s here?” He grunted, his voice thick and low from not talking for a while.  

“Uhh Yes sir.. say.. you look a lot like that missing popstar..” She smirked, knowing exactly who he was. Niall gulped. “Yeh.. don’t tell anyone I just need to contact—“

“The boys. I know.”


Niall’s P.O.V:

I sat in the hotel room waiting for my phone to finally be fully charged. Finally, I heard the familiar vibration of the phone when it turns on. The messages pop up.

346 missed texts from Louis

210 missed texts from Harry

319 missed texts from Zayn

2 missed texts from Liam

2. Only 2? Then, the calls popped up..

1,383 missed calls from Louis

I laughed slightly at that, but it didn’t come out as my usual laugh. It was rough, as if my voice wasn’t used to it yet.

418 missed calls from Harry

202 missed calls from Zayn

Incoming call from… Liam.


I was quick to slide my finger across the answer button..

“Liam, he won’t pick up..”

I hear crying, Liam’s crying.

“We can try cant w—HE PICKED UP.”

I stifled back a laugh.

“Ellooooooo” I greeted, as casually as I could.

“NIALL!” Zayn screetched

“We’ve been worried sick!”

“I’m actually on my way home..” I Announced.

Where were you..” Louis cheered.


“How.. we checked everything there wasn’t a ticket in purchase! O-Oh my god are you a stowe away?! My boyfriend c—sorry, best friend can’t be a felon!”

Liam cried a bit more.

“I walked.”

Niall its been 6 months..”

“I’m staying in a little town called Glencoe. You can come pick me up if you really ‘desire’ to see me.”

I scoffed. Of course they don’t.

“We’re on our way.”

Call Ended.


I can’t let them see me like this.

I was covered in dirt and grass stains, do they have a shower here?


I stepped out of the shower making sure the towel was secured around my waist. It felt exceptionally nice to feel clean for once in a few months. I slid my clothes back on, which I had put through the washing and drying machine so that the torn ripped fabric would at least look clean.

I waited on the bed for the lads to come pick me up from this tiny little town. The lady from the front desk, I believe her name was Brenda, opened the door.

“Sir there are 4 boy—“

“Send them up.” I interrupted as she walked back into the main room of the hotel.

She walked back with four familiar faces and I couldn’t help but let the corners of my lips twitch upwards as they each embraced me in a hug. Liam was last to hug me, but his was much different than the others. Cliché I know but its true, not the electric shock—though I did have that too. But his hug was warmer, more effective and longer. He held me in his arms for what only felt like a second, but in reality it was probably around three minutes.

We finally pulled apart at a grunt from one of our mates, probably Louis. “Well.. err.. Nialler.. are you okay?” Louis asked, scratching the back of his head.

“Couldn’t be better!” I cheered, keeping Liam close.

“Nialler I missed you..” Liam nuzzled his face into my cheek, whispering those words.

“Missed you too Li.” I whispered back and Harry and Louis cooed.

“Just.. date already!” Louis shrieked.

Liam smirked, but I wasn’t near ready to take that with Liam. He was practically the reason I ran away and for him to ask me out right now, I just can not deal with that.

“No.” I answered firmly, packing up my belongings. “Can we just go home?” I frowned at the ground and Liam wrapped a protective arm around my small, lanky, torso.

We filed into the car, with Louis driving.

A Few simple words kept replaying in my brain:

And here the adventure stops.

So! Here I updated :P This story is all over the place and to be honest I think this is the shortest update I’ve ever given D: but im gonna add some larry in soon!!! :D


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