3- Mr. Hudson's Plan

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*Alice P.O.V*

I looked down at the little girl clinging on my arm. She had no idea who I was and it almost broke my heart. But I knew what would happen if she were to ever find out. No matter what kind of person she was, she would hate me.

I was pulled along by Samantha when she finally stopped in front of the door labeled "Secret Plans". I was wondering why the hallway looked familiar... I mentally facepalmed at my own stupidity. I gave the small girl a questioning look.

"Your here to stop him, aren't you?" she asked in a soft voice. I nodded determinedly. Samantha gave me a shy smile then stepped back. Quietly I opened the door, and peeked inside.

It was the same as before, dimly lit, everything organized. No dust, no extra papers, no anything. I entered fully motioning for Sam to follow me. She did so with a quick glance around to make sure nobody was around. I closed the door silently behind us. I knew it was bad, but I also knew it was worse to leave the door open even a crack.

I told Sam to look for anything that might be plans for the aliens. She wanted to know what the aliens looked like, but I told her I didn't know. I am a great liar. Hmm, I don't know if that's something to boast about...

We searched for about five minutes before Sam found something. She called me over and what I saw made me want to scream.

There was a man (a very skinny man, he looked like a stick!) with spikey brown hair and a happy looking face. Wearing a blue suit with a red tie and a light brown, ankle length, trench coat, he was strapped to a chair unconscious, a trickle of blood flowing down his face. It was just a picture but it had been taken yesterday. On the back of the paper it said, "Doctor Apprehended, Testing Will Commence at 17:30"

I gasped. The Doctor had been taken, and he was going to be tested on in half an hour?! (give or take a few minutes) I made sure Samantha didn't see the photo of the Doctor. I folded the paper and stuffed it in my coat pocket. I snatched Sam's hand and dragged her out of the room and back towards the waiting room.

Jack was standing in front of two very bewildered girls. I stepped right behind Jack and sighed. He jumped in surprise and spun around quickly, almost smacking me. I jumped back just in time to avoid the smack. Jack smiled sheepishly at me.

"Hehe... Sorry...?" he asked nervously. I didn't reply but handed Jack the picture of the Doctor. I watched as Jack's hands clenched the paper, and his face turned grim, all friendliness gone.

"We have to help the Doctor." he choked out. I instinctively grabbed Jack's hand, trying to comfort him. He relaxed slightly then looked at me for some sort of reassurance. Unsure, I nodded my head.

Betty spoke up then, "So, how are we going to kill these things?" she asked. I felt Jack stiffen and I gasped at her in shock. How could she say that?!

"How could you even think of killing them?!" I cried. Betty and a slightly unsure Mary looked at me like I was stupid. I let go of Jack's hand and stood protectively in front of Sam, who looked terrified. Jack looked at me surprised, but when he saw Sam his eyes softened and he gave a tiny nod.

"Aliens are just like animals. No brains, no intelligence. Just more ways to let others serve and rule. If they are a threat, they should be killed." Betty told us matter of factly. I wanted to slap her but I knew I couldn't.

Jack strode over to Betty until his face was only inches from hers. They glared at each other for a few seconds before Jack said in an eerily calm voice, "What if you met the last of a great race. The very last one in existence, and you had the choice to help it, or save it, what would you do?"

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