4- Goodbye...NOT!

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*Doctor POV*

I ran behind Jack and Alice. Where did he pick her up? And how long was she going to last? I sighed mentally and felt sympathy for the doomed girl. Why Jack had to go around breaking hearts was beyond me.

They did look like they were enjoying each others company, that I

had to admit. Alice was a quirky character and confused me just the slightest. Jack was, well, Jack. Suddenly we stopped running, Alice slamming her arm into Jack, whom I then ran into with a slight oof. Alice signaled for us to be quiet, so we did.

I watched as she peeked around the corner and motioned for us to stay here. She then darted down the small corridor and after a moment's hesitation we followed.

We were in a small dead end corridor. There was a window to our left then a dark brown door at the end of the hall. We sprinted down the hall where I soniced the door, opening it.

Inside was none other than the TARDIS. I ran to her and pushed open the doors, entering my console room. Jack came inside dragging Alice by the wrist, whispering to her. She stopped and stared around when she noticed where she was.

I grinned at her expectantly.

"Its smaller on the outside!" she exclaimed. I gave her a weird look.

"You're supposed to say it's bigger on the inside." I informed her. She grinned at me.

"Its smaller on the outside." she repeated. I laughed and began running around the console, present buttons, flipping levers, and twisting knobs.

"Hold on to something!" I shouted, flipping one last lever. The TARDIS shook as we took of. Alice and Jack grabbed hold of the metal bars surrounding the console room. I held on the to console.

With a final bang we landed. Alice was grinning like a madman and Jack gave me a flirty smile. "I. Have missed this!" he exclaimed.

I smiled at them then opened the doors to the TARDIS, revealing a Slitheen base. Nobody was here thankfully. I left the TARDIS and began sonicing equipment. Jack and Alice followed, Alice staring at my sonic thoughtfully.


The door in the room flew open to reveal two female humans and a

male. The Slitheens.



The door flew open to reveal the Slitheens. I whipped out my sonic gun and I saw Alice eye it apprehensively. Mr. Hudson stared at our Sonics' amused. Alice glared at the human inposter.

"How good to see you... awake Doctor. And Alice," the alien said turning to Alice. She stiffened as did the Doctor and I.

"You will come with us." the blonde Slitheen, Janice said.

"Never!" the Doctor and I shouted. We glanced at each other, startled before returning our attention to the Slitheen.

Janice hissed at us while Mr. Hudson glared. Lesly was calm.

"You will go back to your planet." the Doctor told the Slitheen. I glared at them daring them to say no.

Lesly glanced at me briefly then suddenly shot toward and snatched Alice. Her mouth was covered so she couldn't scream and Lesly held Alice in front of her own body. I aimed my gun at the alien but she smirked, knowing I wouldn't shoot for sake of hitting Alice. The Doctor glared, furious. He began to shake and when he spoke his voice shook with anger.

"Let. Alice. Go. What do you want? To go home? Cos I'm sending you home!" The Slitheens looked slightly frightened at the Doctor's angry tone. I watched as Alice snaked her ankle around Lesly's while she was distracted and pulled it toward, making the Slitheen fall backwards. Alice rammed her elbow into the scientists stomach who then sneezed and let go of her.

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