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I see storms in his eyes.

Scorpius Malfoy isn't my biggest fan. We're not exactly civil. You see, there's a bit of bad blood between his family and mine because our parents hated each other's guts. To the core. As their children, I guess we're obligated to be enemies.

As per usual, he's shooting daggers my way from the Slytherin table. "What did you do this time, Rose?" Lily asked.

"Nothing personal. He's just being his usual charming self, is all," I replied nonchalantly.

"First years, to the boats. First years!"

I rushed to the dock, pumped to finally make my first steps on Hogwarts grounds and probably looking like an over-spelled chocolate frog as I was leaping in too much excitement. I got in on one of the boats.

"Psh. What an amateur," someone beside me said, referring to me. Who else?

"Excuse me?"

I turned to look at my oppressor and performed a quick analysis of his appearance. Platinum blonde hair. A bored expression in his eyes. No, not bored. Tired. He may even look exhausted and beat if it wasn't for his youthful glow. There's also that smug expression expertly placed on his face as if he was born with it.

The boy confirmed my guess on who he is when he held out his hand. "Scorpius Malfoy," he said, "Are you a mud- er, muggle-born? You're brimming with excitement. It's as if you've never seen the school, even in pictures."

"What a very strong talent of deductive reasoning you have there, Malfoy. But sorry to disappoint, I'm actually pure-blood," I replied, rolling my eyes in sarcasm.

"Oh. Should I apologize?"

"Not really. I'm not even offended. My mom is muggle-born and that didn't stop her from topping classes."

"Wait. Are you-"

"Yes. Weasley. Rose Weasley. It's a pleasure."

"Oh." He averted his attention to the castle. It was the most amazing sight I've ever laid my eyes on my whole life. Its bricks cascaded into beautiful walls. The lights from its windows looked like stars glistening from a distance. We're almost there.

The boats docked. I turned my head to Scorpius and saw no one beside me.

I looked ahead and saw the blonde I just met walking away with his head down.

"Scorpius!" I ran after him. Much to my dismay, he didn't stop and wait for me as I struggled across the dirt path. What an arse.

I sped up my movement to follow him and when I was a couple of inches from his back, he stopped abruptly, making my face hit the back of his head. I fell backwards, landing on my butt. "What the hell?" I stood up and patted the dirt off my uniform.

When I looked up, an arctic stare met my eyes. "Don't call me that. We're not friends, Weasley."

And then he walked away, ruining the possibility of world peace.


I put down my fork and faced him. "What is it, Malfoy?"

"I asked you one simple favor, you said okay. What happened?"

"I realized that purposely flunking a test just so your friends could get away with their incompetence is against my principles in life. And anyway, why'd you expect me to go through with your 'favor'? We're not even friends."

"First of all, you weren't gonna 'flunk' the test as you say. I just asked you to make one single mistake on purpose so Crabbe and Goyle get off the hook after zero-ing those last three tests," he said.

Professor Montgomery of Charms class challenged the two to raise their marks up in a written test. Apparently, they made the mistake of saying that the test is 'an impossible feat' and 'even Rose couldn't ace it'. You know what they say. Less talk, less mistakes.

"Oh. I'm sorry, but it isn't my fault your friends keep on jerking off and you of all people know that I don't make mistakes. And I don't intend to. Ever."

He's fuming, alright. I can practically see steam under his perfectly-sloped nose. I've got to give it to him, though. He's a pretty cool friend. You know, fraternizing with the enemy and lowering his pride just so they could not fail the class. Too bad I'm a Weasley and Weasleys don't fraternize with Malfoys. That's the golden rule.

He sat beside me and moved close to the side of my face. Much too close for my liking.

"You don't make mistakes? You think you're perfect? Well guess what, Rosie? You aren't."

He stood up and walked away. I probably look like I got punched in the gut by what he said, but I didn't put my head down and trailed my eyes on his retreating figure.

The first shot has been fired.

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