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I found myself looking at the mirror in the first floor bath room. I had long whiskers on my cheeks and furry cat ears. My orbs were now yellow with black slit-like pupils. The only thing that's on my mind is that I will murder Scorpius Malfoy. In the most gruesome way possible.

How long 'til the potion gets off? I racked my brain for the answer. About an hour, at least. I'm gonna hex that slimy Slytherin until he drowns in his own apologies.

This happened to mom during their second year when they were trying to spy on Malfoy's dad. She accidentally put in cat's fur in the cauldron. I laughed endlessly when she told me that story. I laughed until my stomach hurt. I should not have laughed because it is not funny.

I looked at my reflection again and groaned. Crap. Not able to stand my appearance, I put my head back down.

I heard footsteps coming toward me. I tensed, feeling a gentle buzz across my back as I felt someone come close. People may not have eyes on the back of their heads, but we could always sense when's someone's behind us. It's like peripheral vision without the vision.

I kept my head down for my appearance to remain hidden. It would be such a hassle to explain to the professors why a teenage girl came running to them in tears because she saw a perverted monster kitten in the bathroom.

It would be a great opportunity to get Malfoy in detention, though. I could always tell on him, but I think we've had a silent agreement the moment our game had started two years ago that the person who tattles would be the loser.

It's a good thing Madam Carlota from the hospital wing isn't a gossip girl. Yeah, we've been there a couple dozen times altogether.

"Hey, kitty," someone whispered in my ear. Malfoy. This made me jolt upright, my back colliding with his chest.

My cat eyes met his stormy ones in the mirror. Oh, I could strangle him to death right now. I huffed.

"Want me to transfigure you into a bloody ferret, Malfoy? Move away," I snarled at him. Claws seemed to grow out of my paws which earlier, were human hands.

He smirked instead of distancing himself. "Hmm. Feisty feline. Why don't you stay like that? You look prettier."


"I'm gonna kill you," I hissed.

"Both of us know you can't."

I turned to face him. Now there's about an inch between our faces. I moved closer and stopped near his right ear. I touched a few of his platinum strands. His breath hitched at that move.

I stealthily took out my wand from my robes.

"Don't be so sure, Malfoy," I whispered before casting a non-verbal spell that he would soon discover I did the next time he speaks. Ha! I got you now, Malfoy.

I left him in the bathroom and scuttled to the Gryffindor common room whilst bowing my head down.

I have to make sure I win that bet! I can't let Malfoy boss me around. Who knows what he would have me do? Carry his stuff? I could always use a levitation spell or leave all his stuff some place safe and then accio them when needed. Do all his homework? Possible. His friends' homework? I don't think I could take that much. Wash his feet? Trim his nails?

Just thinking of all the possibilities make me want to avada kedavra myself.

When I reached the Fat Lady's portrait, I gave her the password. "Firewhiskey."

"Preposterous! No alcoholic beverages for the students! You are minors, children, minors!" she exclaimed without facing me.

"That was the password. Let me in," I replied.

"No, no. That absolutely would not do, young la-yaaaaaaaaaaah!"

The Fat Lady looked up at that last bit.

"Sshh! Be quiet! It's just me, Rose. Pranked."

"Oh, oh. Goodness! Come in, girl. You look hideous." 

The portrait swung open.

"About time," I said before entering the common room.

"James!" I called for my cousin the moment I got inside the common room. He's Gryffindor's seeker and captain.

I heard a series of footsteps from upstairs and the boys dormitory's door creaked open, revealing my cousin.

"What?" He looked down from the balcony. "Woah, pussy!"

What the hell, James? I almost laughed.

"Oh, shut up. Promise me something, James."

He raised his eyebrows at me and pretended to think for a moment. He scratched his chin to add an effect. "Hmm. Let me see," he said, "no."

I pouted.

"But whyyyyy? You don't even know what I was going to make you promise me," I said in the whiniest tone I could possibly make.

"Number one, it probably involves Malfoy. Number two, I don't want to get caught within your business. And number three, I can't handle the sexual tension between you two," he explained, raising a finger for each reason he had.

"But James!" I complained, "This is also for our House!"

My cousin groaned. "Fine. What is it you want?"

"You have to win the next Quidditch match. That's all. Love you, James." I said, sent him a flying kiss, and even threw in my not-so-popular wink to which James pretended to gag at.

I rolled my eyes at his reaction and stuck my tongue out at him. I turned around to leave, but remembered something he said. I came face to face with my cousin again. "And no, there's no other tension between me and Malfoy but competitive tension. Okay?"

"Whatever." He raised both his hands and shrugged.

"So, can I count on you?"

"Even if you don't ask! There's no way we'll let Slytherin win the Quidditch Cup this season," he said. "Oh, and Rose?"


"You're a red-head again." He winked and went back inside his dorm.

I patted my head and felt my silky strands coming back. Finally!

I went up to the mirror our common room had. It's this long portrait ornate glass that's hung near the fireplace.

There's only a few portions of my head that's covered in fur. The whiskers are shrinking. I saw my eye color shift from yellow to my normal blue one. A few seconds more and I was back to normal. "I missed you!" I said whilst kissing and smelling my flaming red locks.

I went back to my room and picked up a random book that I could read so I could relax because I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have an eventful dinner at the Great Hall tonight. I chuckled evilly.

Next move's yours, Malfoy.

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