Chapter 6 : Past

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Here's part two of Phantom's surprise attack plus information on the characters!

Hope you'll like it :)

Lily xxx

Levy was seriously thinking to stop reading outside. Obviously, it was bad for her health. She had barely reed a couple of pages from her book before getting her attention caught by some noise. Luckily, she didn't have time to be completely absorbed in her book yet, otherwise, she wouldn't even be alive right now. Jumping out of her chair, she looked above her shoulder to notice that a sword just past centimeters from her head. She lost all her colours when she saw a man standing behind her, eyes as black as a night sky.


She stepped back but lost her balance. Her leg was still weak because of the wolfs' attack, and that not considering the fear that just made her loose all the straight she got in both of them. Stretching, the young woman managed to reach a rake, using it to barely block a second blow. Sadly, damaged as it was, she wouldn't be able to use the garden tool once more. She was about to scream, but no sound got the chance to leave her mouth before getting gagged by her attacker's hand, crushing her on the ground with all his weight.

"Oh no, little fairy! Don't think you can get any help. And you can be sure I wont be a coward like the other two".

Then he brought the blade of his sword closer to her throat. Tears flowed on the young woman's cheeks. Was she really gonna die without knowing was just happened? She closed her eyes, not wanting to look at her assassin in her last instant. Then a thud could be heard. She couldn't help herself from opening her eyes, meeting a red stare. She then understood her attacker was unconscious.

"Gajeel... she whispered to the one that, for the second time in barely three days, just saved her life".

He sais nothing, simply helping her to remove the unanimated body that was lying on her. How could he know she needed help? And why the hell did she needed help? What others? Too many questions where monopolising her mind. However, a feminine voice, obviously out of breath, interrupted her train of thoughts.

"Gajeel!" She heard the voice yell. "Juvia is so happy to see that Gajeel and Levy are fine!".

"They found you too?" Said Gajeel to his friend.

"Yes, there was also an attack on Juvia..."

"Okay. You promised you'd explain" interrupted Gray. "What's the deal with you two?"

Even though Levy stayed quiet, the look she was giving to the two visitors was clear enough: she was also dying to know.

"Juvia doesn't know how..."

"Just start with the beginning" suggested Gray.

"Why the hell his he here?" Complained Gajeel, pointing in Gray's direction.

"Gray helped Juvia to get out of danger" defended the young woman.

"Tsss", made Gajeel annoyed to see another person mixt into this mess. "We have to find a quiet spot", he added, entering without invitation Levy's house.

"Hey!" complained Levy to the young man's rudeness.

Juvia, way gentler than her long life friend, took Levy's hands in hers and asked.

"Could Levy allow us to calmly speak inside?"

"Of course" she said. "It's just that Gajeel is"

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