Epilogue **Seven years later**

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Epilogue ** Seven years later **

Levy was woken up by some movement next to her before feeling that comfortable heat getting away from her, forcing the young woman to tighten her blankets around her a little more.

"Gihi! You'll get lost in the bed if you keep this up".

"Why are you leaving this early?" she asked without bothering about the usual teasing of her husband.

"Flame brain has once again accepted an order from Erza. Seriously, that chick loves swords way too much!"

"That chick's the queen" laughed Levy. "You can at least do that for her."

"If I was impressed by royalty, I wouldn't be in that bed" he said with a mocking smile.


"Yeah, yeah. Just go back sleeping shrimp" he said, getting out of bed. "At least you can sleep".

Once dressed up, he was about to leave the room but Levy was waiting for one last detail.

"Gajeel" she beckoned him, barely awake.

The later lifted his eyes towards the ceiling, a smile in the corner of his mouth, knowing very well what she wanted, and kissed her before leaving. As for Levy, she indeed slept a little more before waking up herself, ready to start of with the pile of translation she had to finish for the next week. The task was enormous, but she welcomed the job happily, the work allowing her to distract herself from the mass of things she had on her mind. Gajeel coming home from the forge only in the end of the afternoon, it was the best moment to get to work anyways.

Much to her pleasure, after moving in with her seven years ago, Gajeel and Natsu quickly developed a friendship. Okay... this friendship looked more like hatred from an external point of view and, most of the time, they were quarrelling and insulting one another. But Levy knew that deep down, they appreciated each other... in their own way. To everyone's surprise, about four months after their return to Fairy Tail, Natsu, with his passion for fire which was close to pyromania, and Gajeel, with his experience in weaponry, opened a forge together.

As for Juvia, she had become Gray's assistant for more then three years in his workshop, Juvia wanting to be as much with him as she could. However, during the four past years, she had to learn how to live without him twenty-four/seven, a new member being added to the Fullbuster family. The little guy, Jake, was Gajeel and Levy's godson. Then, less than two years later was born his little brother, Dylan. Levy was seeing both kids tonight, Juvia having asked her to babysit them so she and Gray could celebrate their 1771th day of marriage. It would be their fifth year anniversary in barely a couple of months and Levy had first wondered why celebrating such a weird amount of days but Levy had got used to Juvia's particular personality so she didn't ask for details. Anyways, with two kids, there was nothing wrong about wanting to have some lone time in a romantic diner once in a while, valid reason or not.

She barely saw time fly. It was a knock on the door that got her mind off of her papers.

"Aunty Levy!" Screamed both mini Fullbuster seeing her.

"Hello my sweethearts!" she exclaimed, taking both of them in her arms.

"Levy! Juvia is so glad that Levy and Gajeel can babysit the boys tonight!" exclaimed the young woman, clenching at her husband's harm who had long ago abandoned the thought of making her let go.

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