Chapter 12 : Metalicana

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Hey guys!

So today I'm sad. And for those who have read the chapter 488, you certainly know what I'm talking about... Don't worry, I wont tell any spoilers, I just wanted to say that I still have some hope despite the weariness that surrounded me today. It may be true but I wouldn't be surprised if Mashima has a loophole in store to make this right.

So! On an happier note, lets get to the twelfth chapter of this story: Metalicana.

The night was a short one for Gray and, by the dark circles under the others eyes, especially Levy's, he guessed it was the same for them. Only Gajeel seemed refreshed form those few hours of sleep. The young man was obviously not the type to have sleeping issues, no matter what was the problems he was facing. However, Gray knew it was not the case of Juvia and Levy. Himself had a hard time to realise how serious the situation was. Where they really all sentenced to death by one of the most powerful force of the kingdom? And that not counting the king's help that had been refused to them

He sighed. The fact that the sun wasn't up yet, combined with their lack of sleep wasn't helping his mood. He however understood the importance of taking those precautions. If he and Levy had been able to convince the other two of the importance of talking to Makarov, the Fairy Tail members had entrusted to the ex Phantom members the execution of the operation. As soon as they agreed on meeting the one who was like a foster father to them, Gajeel had started to evaluate their options, his soldier reflexes taking the lead. Gray may not keep Gajeel close to his heart, he had to admit that their best chance was to trust his judgment, not to mention that Juvia trusted him with her life. Gray also had to admit that he had proven himself by protecting Levy numerous times.

"My love?" Said Juvia, interrupting his train of thoughts. "Is everything alright?"

"Just a little tired, don't worry" he smiled to her, not bothering with the nickname she was giving him.

Her weird way of calling him had surprised him at first, but he quickly got used to it. It was just like Juvia: Intense and a little strange, indeed, but cute.

"We'll be there in a couple of minutes" announced Gajeel who started to get a glimpse at the village between the trees.

To this announcement, Gray could see his friend stiffen. He couldn't even imagine how stressful the situation could be to Levy.

"Calm down, shrimp" said Gajeel who had also noticed the state she was in. "He can't really tell you something worst than what you already learned this last week" he let out.

She nodded to the comment that Gray considered rude. But for a reason he couldn't get, as different as Gajeel and Levy could be, something always kept them close from one another. Speaking of closeness, he thought sighing, he could feel Juvia gripping his arm. He was automatically hot at her touch. Yes, he was a desperate case, being always hot. He got himself free with a simple movement from Juvia who complained a little, getting once again lost in her stories. Okay... Juvia's contact wasn't that annoying. In fact, she was one of the few persons he bore to have this close all the time because, lets face it, Juvia was the type of girl who could be really invasive. In fact, he felt good when she was close to him. The only problem was that, for Juvia, "close" seemed to be a synonym of "completely occupying his personal space".

They finally reached the edge of the forest where the first sun rays could be seen.

"We have to act fast" announced Juvia "before the villagers wake up".

Just like Gajeel and Juvia did a little more than two weeks ago, they entered silently the sleeping town, having in mind to save the very person they first where supposed to kill.

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