Chapter 9 : Dungeon

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There's the next chapter! Don't forget to give me your impressions by commenting :)

Lily xx

Juvia sat at the bar of the tavern next to Gray. The later wasn't saying anything, peacefully sipping his beer, but Juvia simply couldn't help herself from staying by his side. When he was there, she simply felt good, as if the young man was her sun, the one that, by a single smile, could make her day.

After a moment, realising she was thirsty, she made a couple of steps in Mira's direction to order her a lemonade. However, getting closer, Juvia noticed that the young woman, who never seemed to let down her bright smile, was looking perplexed.

"I'm seriously wondering why would she go to the palace", said a worried Mira to Laxus.

"Probably another translating contract" let out the young man, not sharing at all the barmaid's concerns.

"No, that's the point", denied the white haired girl. "You know very well I'm the one responsible of giving the missives concerning translations to Levy. I would be aware if such an important job would be given to her".

"You're once again worrying about noting", he grumbled with an annoyed tone.

Frustrated, she hit him with the pile of paper she was classifying.

"Hey! What's your problem woman!"

The replica earned him a second hit.

"Stupid Dreyar" she mumbled.

She however didn't went away, simply staring at Laxus with a frown. Even though she hasn't known them for a long time, Juvia knew Mira wouldn't stay mad for long. In fact, it wasn't the first time the tall young man was getting on Mira's nerves, but she seemed to always stay and forgive him. Juvia even wondered if Laxus could be doing it on purpose to get her attention. "Ah... Juvia would be so happy if Gray would try to get her attention too!" Thought the young woman without realizing the later didn't have to make any effort to obtain it.

She finally managed to focus her attention on the actual situation: Levy had left for the palace for a different reason than work. Juvia couldn't help herself from having a bad feeling about it. She vaguely remembered Gajeel, when he came back from Levy's house, two days ago. Despite making certain smiles she wasn't used to see on his face while he thought she wasn't looking, Juvia remembered Gajeel mumbling something about Levy being stupid. "Shit" she thought. She should have payed more attention at that moment. But how to stay focussed while Gray had been so kind... "Focus!" She reprimanded herself. She scanned her memory a little more. Some elements were added: Gajeel complaining he could fend for himself, that he didn't need a shrimp's help... The young woman started to put the pieces in place.

Despite the paleness of her skin, she lost a little more colours. She had to find Gajeel. Leaving the tavern, she started her research at the room she was sharing with him without success. She then did the same with the edge of the forest where he liked to spend some time and finally to Levy's house, just in case. The discomfort in the pit of her stomach grew a little more every place she looked in vain. There were now no more doubts in her mind: he probably followed Levy to the palace.


Levy was crying for so long that she seemed to be out of tears. She hadn't let go of his hand and all he could do was to squeeze her tiny hand in his. He didn't blame her, how could he? Gajeel was however accumulating a lot of anger towards the one responsible of all this. Whoever he was, the person having accused Levy of murder was the origin of his problems, of Juvia's, the only family he ever had, and the problems of that little shrimp who seemed to be the embodiment of kindness. If he had doubted her honesty at some point, his instincts now knew she was telling the truth.

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