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I stumble deliriously out of the hallway coming from my father's office. I smile crazily before sinking into a seated position in the middle of the walkway. I start to lose myself in my thoughts...

"Ms. Barteau, are you alright?" The new maid asks me, with a very concerned look plastered over her face.

I must look completely nuts just sitting here smiling to myself.

"Yeah, sorry to worry you. You can call me Y/n. What's your name?" I ask full of elation.

"Oh d-don't apologize to me! That's incredibly inappropriate! Haha! My name is Guenièvre, how may I assist you?"

"Guenièvre? That's a really pretty name!" I say smiling even bigger, only to wince due to the clearly visible welt plaguing my face.

"I'm so sorry Ms.-I mean Y/n! Let me take care of that!"

Guenièvre took my hand and led me to the staff storage room. There, she rummaged through a few cabinets and came back with a large band-aide, a plant, and an ice-pack. I watched intensely as she broke open the plant and slathered the gooey innards on my cheek.

"This should make it feel a lot better-it will heal faster too." She mumbles with a look of pure concentration.

"What is this stuff? It's amazing!"

"Haha! Have you seriously never seen an aloe Vera plant before?"


She carefully placed the bandage on and gave me the ice pack.

"Thank you Guenièvre."

"It's no problem! By the way, I need to tell you something when we get up to your room. It's just some information your mother gave me about the new school you will be attending."

"Sounds good, and maybe you could help me pack too?"

"It'd be my pleasure Ms.-sorry, Y/n!"

We both laughed as we walked to my room. She looked a little young to be a maid, about my age. But I could tell from the way she handled me earlier that she's been doing this for a while. When we reached my room, there were already three shiny, taupe colored, matching suitcases waiting for me to pack.

"Ok Y/N, they said that the school's principle and his family, the Suohs, invited you to attend dinner with them tomorrow night. Also, I'm sure Mr. Suoh will mention all of this at dinner but- the two top honor students at the school will show you around on your first day." She slowly reads from the endless list given to her presumably by my mother. "One of them being from the incredibly successful Otoori family. They are a very important potential business partner, and you are expected to befriend him. You will also be required to join at least two clubs in order to attend Ouran, mostly just to make sure you can get used to life in Japan and Ouran I guess. Finally, the uniform is already in your suitcase along with other necessities that you may not have thought to bring. Geez, they sure are thorough-uh I mean, how thoughtful..."

"Wow, I thought I'd be free from my parents if I lived in a different country than them, but I guess they still have my life planned out for me." I sighed.

Shit, I said that out loud didn't I.

"Well I bet you'll still enjoy it there! I've heard about that school before- apparently there's a lot of super cute boys there!" She squeals.

"I don't think I'll have time for boys." I look down and play with the black layers of my dress.

I'll probably have an arranged marriage with that geeky Otoori boy Guenièvre was talking about anyways.

After packing my things, my curiosity got the better of me and I searched up the name of the school I was supposed to be going to. How do you spell that? Uron? Oorahn? Oh-it's spelled Ouran.


The first search result was a news article talking about one of the many famous children of a successful business who attended that school. Of course I recognize all of the names I am seeing. According to this article, the curriculum is harder than anything here in France, or anywhere actually.

'Competition at this school is fierce-that's why only the most elite can handle it. If it weren't for the strict discipline of successful families the children would most certainly break.'

"Okay, that's intimidating as hell." I say to myself before falling asleep on my silky duvet.

*Ka-thump, ka-thump, ka-thump.*

I was suddenly being ferociously shook. My eyes shoot open and my eyes dart to none other than my mother's.

"Y/N, you need to get up now. You have to look presentable. Our jet is being repaired so you have to use the commoner's airport. Remember, you are representing the Barteaus, don't disappoint me or you can consider yourself an orphan." My mothers harsh words still sting just as terribly as they always have.

"Yes, right away Mrs. Barteau." I bow and watch as her shiny red stilettos clack against the marble floor and into the hallway.

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