Dinner with the Suohs

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For the rest of my journey on a commercial plane, Yoko was elatedly explaining different stories about her life as a teacher. After what only felt like ten minutes, the plane jerked, bumped, and landed much rougher than what I was used to.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Yoko!" I project behind a smile for my new acquaintance.

"The pleasure is all mine!" she insists while bowing.

We exchanged numbers before she turned and departed plane. However I decided to stay behind in order to jot down all of my encounters thus-far.

"As expected-no one noteworthy would use commoner transportation."

I slap my notebook shut and exit the plane with the crowd shuffling over from the rear of the vehicle.

I took my time walking to baggage claim in order to absorb and adjust to my new surroundings.

Everything here is so futuristic and eclectic looking, this is a bit overwhelming...
Oh God.

I was beginning to feel a panic attack choking me, and my vision starting to blur.

Not here, not now! Just breathe y/n damnit!

I quickly trotted to the nearest bench to collect myself and slow my heart rate.


After a few minutes of breathing I felt well enough to continue to baggage claim and find my chauffeur.

Even with all of the people in Japan, I didn't have a very hard time finding my luggage or chauffeur-probably because he was holding a large sign that read 'Barteau'.

"Bonjour, Ms. Barteau! Welcome to Japan!" My tall, grey haired, chauffeur greeted in broken French while bowing.

"Pleased to meet you Mr.-" I quickly glance to the gold etched name tag pinned to his left breast pocket, "Nakamura. I am pleased to be able to call this beautiful country my new home." I respectfully greeted in Japanese with a quick bow.

"Let me take your bag and follow me."

I thanked the aging man as he took my luggage and led me to the limo.

Mr.Nakamura opened the door for me, and when I crawled in, I was releaved to see that the interior of Japanese limos were not unfamiliar to me.

"I'm sure you must be exhausted from the long plane ride, so feel free to drink one of the iced coffees from the mini fridge."

"Oh, ok! Thank you sir!" I awkwardly respond.

I always did love frivolous luxuries, such as the mini fridge in the limo. I helped myself to a white chocolate macchiato or two until the car stopped in front of what looked like a modern day castle.

"Here we are, the Japanese Barteau estate! A.K.A. Your new home! I hope you enjoy yourself here in Japan Y/n, have a nice day!" The chauffeur beamed and ushered me out of the vehicle.

"Thank you sir." I squeak while staring in awe at the ginormous manner.

Holy shit. I think to myself as my eyes fixate on the massive pool of water directly below the front door. A waterfall jutted out from the cobblestone walkway under the door, which was definitely meant to be the focal point for the front yard. The roof curved in a way that is similar to many old Chinese monuments, besides the two watch towers on either side of the building whose roofs' were cone shaped. Everything was made of stone, and there was a magnificent landscape embedded with an array of exotic plants.

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