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Namjoon made his way out of the shop, eyes wide as he realized how awkwardly he flirted.

Making his way next door, he took a deep breath before opening the door to his tattoo shop. The sounds off buzzing distracted him from his thoughts, mind focusing back to the present. He placed the two bamboo stalks back on the counter, a little harder than he thought. The clank they made against the glass display of piercings brought Jungkook out of his sketch of a new design. He looked between Namjoon and the bamboo, a small smirk forming on his face.


"Hyung did you spend your break once aga-"


"Then where did these come from?" Jungkook asked, moving the plants to the side of the register.

"Let me guess, he bought more plants from the flower shop with the attractive owner?" Yoongi asked, not looking up from the piece he was working on the leg of a woman.

"Yoongi I think our little Namjoonie is in love with the boy next door" Hoseok added, coming out the back with a box of new piercings they had ordered, bringing it to Jungkook to put away. Namjoon rolled his eyes at the three of them. He thought having his close friends working together would be a good idea.

It was.

But then it wasn't.

With the amount of plants coming in after Namjoon's daily break at noon, the three couldn't help but pester Namjoon about his trips to the flower shop.

"I know you're allergic to half the planet so don't tell me you like to," Yoongi moved his fingers in air quotations, "'Stop and smell the roses'"

Namjoon distracted himself by moving to the computer, checking the list of appointments they had that day. He hummed at one of the appointments.

Kim Taehyung - 6:30pm

He thought back at the flower shop, one of the employee's being named Taehyung if he remembered correctly. Could it be the same one?

"Look at him he's probably thinking about Seokjin hyung right now" Jungkook laughed, bringing Namjoon out of his thoughts.

"No, actually I'm thinking about work and you should be too" he said matter of factly, grinning triumphantly.

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