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"The future is yours if you choose, and mine won't exist without you." - Greyson Chance

They entered Camille's loft located at the upper east side of New York.

"I thought the underground parking was nice." Simon commented as they walked through a room so full of books, it could be turned into a public library.

"You have a lot of books." Alec said.

"I've got a lot of time." Camille answered.

A boy that looked like her butler, welcomed her back.

Izzy kept looking around. "This place creeps me out."

"Yeah. Let's check the perimeter." Alec suggested.

"If I know Camille, she'll have a trick or two up her sleeve." Magnus agreed and he ushered them out.

They split up into two. Alec and Thea, and Izzy with Magnus.

They got about halfway through the perimeter in comfortable silence before Alec stopped.

"Something wrong?" Thea asked already on alert.

He shook his head, and she relaxed.

She stood in front of him and raised a hand to play with the hair behind his ear in a consoling manner. "Something is wrong. Tell me."

"Jace, the cup..." was all that he needed to say for her to understand him completely.

Jace was his parabatai. Whether they were butting heads or not, they were brothers in arms, brothers in every way except by blood. Of course Alec would be naturally worried for him.

As for the cup, he wasn't just worried that it was in Valentine's hands. He was worried for the mundanes. He was worried for the nephilim, he was worried for the downworlders. But most of all, he was worried for his family. They just added a new member and now it's threatened to be torn apart. And what about the Clave? The cup was stolen on their watch, will they sentence them all to exile or pardon them and punish only Hodge?

Thea made Alec look her in the eyes. In the sea of hazel he saw hope, he saw determination, there was also a small flicker fear, but he won't tell her that. She didn't need his pessimism to tear her down, not when she's trying to build him up.

"We're going to get the cup back, we're going to knock some sense into your parabatai's head, and we're going to defeat Valentine." She said it with so much conviction he almost believed her.


"I don't think so." A Circle member said as he pulled Thea from Alec and placed a seraph blade threateningly against her throat.

Alec tried to attack but another Circle member appeared behind him and did the same.

They led them back to the library where everyone else was being held. Valentine and Jace were in the center and Clary held the Book of the White tightly to her.

"You are strong, but they make you weak." Valentine told Jace as he glanced at all of them.

"Let us go." Clary piped up. "You can have the book. I won't be able to stop you without it."

Valentine smirked as he turned to her. "Clarissa, so like your mother. Willing to do anything for those that you love. I'm touched, but the book was never part of my plan. You see, I want you to wake up your mother. I know that you'll both join me eventually... it's fated."

And Clary held on to the book tighter. Her mother was going to wake up, but they won't be joining Valentine.

He then turned to Thea. "Blackthorn is it? Or should I say Lightwood?" He asked while he glanced at her wrist as he walked closer.

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