Part 7

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I fell to my knees. I saw everything at once. I saw Angel coming downstairs in one of my t-shirts, I saw another Angel walking into the kitchen, I saw another Angel with me on the couch in the living room, and then I saw one I didn't recognize. She had on a dark blue hoodie, jeans, a white t-shirt and black Uggs. She walked down the steps and turned around and looked back, as if she was contemplating something. Then she turned back around. I swear she looked directly at me and then, she walked through me. I felt a cold chill come over my body. I shivered.

"Jacob, are you ok?!" My mom asked running over to me. She helped me up off the floor

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine mom."

"Are you sure? You look distraught." I looked around the room again. Nothing was there.

"Just...some old memories." She sighed

"We can stay in a hotel if you'd like. I'll even look for a new house."

"No mom. I don't want to move. I'm...ok. It was just..." I sighed "A lot to take in at once." I looked around again.

"Oh, mijo. How about I make you some tamales and frijoles and we can talk?" I smiled and nodded. My mom always knows how to make me and my stomach feel better.

I laid in my bed that night and stared at the ceiling. I remember the last time she was here. She was sleeping soundly next to me. I had her wrapped up in my arms. I had her. Right here. She was right here. I let her slip away. I didn't wake up in time. If I would have woken up I would have been able to protect her. Why that night of all nights did I have to sleep through everything? Why did I only wake up when something bad happened? I remember the last time I slept here. Alone. I tossed and turned for hours. I could smell Angel's perfume everywhere. I could feel her body heat next to me, but whenever I turned to hold her, nothing was there. She was punishing me for not being there for her. I know she was. She wanted me to suffer. So I did suffer. I sat up and cried for hours until I couldn't take it anymore. I went into my bathroom and slit my wrists. Unfortunately my mom 'had a bad feeling' so she came to check on me and found me. That was the first time I tried to end it all. The thing that started it all. The reason why I'm not allowed to be alone anymore. I can never be completely alone. My mom checks on me every hour to make sure nothing is wrong. When she's not here Angel is. I can feel her. I know she's here, teasing me. I smell her perfume everywhere. She wants me to be with her. I know that's what it is. It HAS to be what it is. Why else would she do this to me? Maybe she hates me. No, no no no. That can't be it. She loves me. I love her. We love each other. Yeah, that's better. She could never hate me. Not my little Angel Pie (sound familiar?). She just wants to be with me. She wants to be with me as bad as I want to be with her. She will be with me. We'll meet tonight in dream land.

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