Chapter seventeen: break up, break down

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°Two weeks later.

Justice has been trying to secretly break them up every sense then.


"Justice! What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean, Rocky? I just wanted to hang out with the cutest couple in the world."

"Haha very funny!"


"Okay fineee. You can chill with us up stairs but if you get grossed out....."

"Yay!" She cheered almost blowing off my ears. She was happy for us? Exactly why i love this girl she changed alot!

We made our way upstairs and closed the door behind us.

"What is she doing here?" Princeton asked.

"She wants to chill with us, cool with that?"

They glared at each other for a bereft second before Princeton shook his head saying that it was fine.

"Okay cool, now what shall we do?"

They stood there silently ignoring my question making it awkward until Princeton made his way to my lips making it Awkward and uncomfortable. Obviously he didn't get it when i said justice and i are and always will be just friends. I had to pull his hair to get him off of me.

"Damn, not the fro!"

"Well that what yo ass get for showing out!"

"Whatever." He said taking a seat on the bed.

"I guess we can play hide and seek?" Justice suggested in a question.

"Okay, let it be."

"can you talk normal?" Princeton asked wile justice shook her head in agreement.

"Fine, but I'm hiding."

She scrunched her face. "Okay I'll count."

Princeton ran out the room first, I'm guessing he's gonna get to the good spot wile I'm stuck in the easy to find spots. Oh well.



i wanted to get to the closet on the side of the stove in the kitchen so I sped threw the house like a maniac. I didn't care though, Keisha, Walter, and Kenneth were in some meeting with some girl they were trying to get signed. Ray went skating with his new girl, and Prod tagged alone hoping he'd find one too. So yeah it was just us.

I was only in the close for two minutes before feeling a warm body behind me.


"Yes baby."

"Find your own spot!"

"No baby, I wanna share with you." I felt his warm breath kiss my neck.

"Get the fuck away from me."

"Am I'm i gone have to beat that ass?"



I felt into a trance as his lips brushed against mine softly making me melt every time he hit my sweet spots. Why did i feel this way every single time? We made out passionately as his grip around my waste got tighter. It was almost perfect until..............


And right before my eyes stood a shocked Ray and India and a calm Prodigy..... Too calm, he knew.




Princeton stood scared and shocked. Then he ran upstairs, of course i ran after him and prod and Ray did the same. I... I wasn't scared of coming out, i didn't care what they thought. Prince on the other hand, i think he wanted to keep this a secret forever.

Once we were all in the room there was an awkward moment of silence.

"Um, What happen?"

"Not now justice." I said

Ray squinted than began to talk. "I-I thought you and Justice were getting back together.... But i gess you already have a girl..... Why didn't you tell us?" He began to laugh, as i did the same. Princeton was really upset that Ray said that, I'm guessing by the looks on his face.

"Fuck you Ray!" Princeton exploded.

"It's okay, we won't judge you! You're our bro for life!"

"Like i said fuck y'all! I don't buy that shit! And we wasn't kissing.... We were.... We were......"

Time for me to jump in. "Bay, he said it's okay!"

"Don't fucking call me that fag!" Princeton slat.

"Fag? You wasn't saying that last night!"

"you're gay! I'm not!"

"Okay, i see we back on this shit again huh? Well I'm done playin these stupid games fuck boy! IT'S OVER, IM DONE WITH YOU! I'm shore JUSTICE can give me what what i need!

And with that i grabbed Justice hand and ran out the house.



HAHAAAA And that's how ya play hide and seek....... Or should i say......

India leaves her purse in the kitchen and they come back to get it wile discovering two fags!

Didn't know you hade it in you Justice!

What am i saying, it's been there sense birth....... I'm talented!

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