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(There are spoilers for The Crown in this book so if you haven't read it and don't want spoilers please don't read.)
During the Heir when Ahren went to France to marry Camille, her mother informed them that they should wait, similar to how Eadlyn did. So they were not married right away like in the book. America still had her heart attack. After Ahren spent about a week in France, Daphne, Camille's mother, decided it would be better for her daughter to marry a French nobleman instead of an Illea prince. Heartbroken Ahren returns home and is welcomed and comforted by his family. He helped Eadlyn through her time as temporary queen and full reigning queen and helped her follow her heart and pick Erik to marry. He watched as she and Erik were married and as they lead the country. After seeing her happiness he began to wish for his own. After his mother and father found love in the selection as well as his sister, though that was slightly different, he wondered if he could have the same luck. Though it was unheard of for the second child to get a selection, but so was a princess getting a selection.
Kara Leger stayed with her uncle Aspen for 8 years after her mother passed away in an unfortunate accident. She spent large amounts of time in the palace and had befriended Eadlyn quite easily, even though they lost touch when she left the palace. She and Ahren, however, spend very little time together, he had forgotten she was there many times. She spent most of her free time on her schoolwork, finishing high school 3 years early at the age of 15. At which time she moved from living with Aspen and Lucy to living with her father who she wanted to get to know more. He had been unable to take care of her when her mother had passed. 3 years after she moved in with her father, it was him who convinced her to add her name to Prince Ahren selection. She spent years trying to stay out of the spotlight so much she left the palace and is now heading back to be the spotlight.

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