Chapter 2 Meeting

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Kara's POV

My next few days were spent with a army of people trying to talk to me. An ambassador from the palace came and made my sign a huge list of rules. I can't be in another relationship. I can't be sick so I have to take medication. I have to sleep while so more medication. Rule after rule. The only upside was the ambassador remembered me, so the process when much faster.

I woke up, the morning that I was to leave for the palace, by my father. " You need to get up, Sweetie." I sighed not waiting to leave the comfort of my bed. "Come on you're leaving today." His voice seemed sad. This would be the second time I left him to live in the palace. When my mother died, my father decide it would be better for me to grow up with Aspen and Lucy. I feel like I was leaving him again. He smiled and left the room. Leaving me alone to decide what would be best to wear. I opted for something comfortable but nice, a pair of black jeans and my favorite light blue shirt. I grabbed the bag I had packed and walked into our family room.

"Well I guess I'm ready whenever they show up." I told my dad. He flashed me a sad smile. "I'll be back don't worry." That's what my mind definitely wanted. Out of the spotlight. Out of the camera flashes. Out of the palace. My heart might not agree. I wouldn't admit it to anyone but I'd had a crush on Ahren for a while, probably since I had moved into palace the first time. I had always thought that there would be nothing to ever happen there. Nothing will ever happen there. I thought.

"I'm happy for you but I'll miss having someone around." Before I could reply the doorbell rang. I sighed. "Come in." Dad invited them in and caught up to say goodbye. He pulled me into a hug. "I love you and you know I want you to win." The guard told us it was time to go.

"I love you too Dad." I pulled out of the hug and turn to the guy.

"Are you ready Miss?" I nodded, picking up my bag from the floor. "Is that it?" I nodded again. "Alright let's go then." He turned and walked back out the door. I hugged my dad one more time before following the guard out the door. He helped me into the waiting car. Most of the ride I spent watching out the window and watching the countryside. I loved the beauty of  the country.

We made it to the airport quickly where I met up with Rose Hayden and Faith Fray. Rose smiled and greeted me right away. "Hi I'm Rose. You must be Kara." She was a very pretty girl. She has long blonde hair and bright green eyes. Faith was the complete opposite, she had short black hair and grey-ish eyes. She was almost eerie to look at. I chatted with Rose until they announced it was time to go.

"So what do you thing the prince is like?" Rose asked once we were seated on the plane.

"He's a dork." I rolled my eyes but Rose's eyes went wide. Oh she doesn't know right. "I mean from what I've seen." Rose nodded.

"I can see that." I let out breath. Is it unfair that I know them?  "I think he's going to be very sweet."

"Well you saw the way he treated Camille." I replied. Rose looked worried after that.

"Do you think he still loves her?" She whispered to me. Her happy attitude gone. I shook my head in response. At least I hope not. 

"I think he wouldn't have had this selection if he still loved her." I tried to encourage her and it seemed to worked. Her eyes seemed to light up again. She smiled and went back to talking. I zoned out watching the country from the plane.  Within the hour we had landed in Angeles. We stepped off the plane and were immediately confronted by fans??? Many of the people were cheering and holding signs with names on it.  Most of them were girl who had probably yet to arrive. Many had Rose on them and a good handful said Faith and a few had my name.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2016 ⏰

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