Chapter 1 The Selection

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Ahren's POV

I sat listening to Gavril, waiting for my turn. In my hand was the stack of envelopes, each containing  the 35 girls I had picked for my selection. 2 weeks ago I announced that I was holding a selection and now I was going to announce the names. When I had asked Eadlyn if she thought it would be okay idea, I thought she would call me crazy, but she smiled and wanted to start it immediately. Mom and Dad had a similar reaction and helped me plan. It was such a different atmosphere than the beginning  Eadlyn's, mostly because of the fact that I wanted to try this idea. It has been almost a year and a half since Camille and I had broken up.

"Please welcome our Prince Ahren." Gavril called me up. "How are you Your Highness?"

"I'm well thank." I smiled, "Ready to announce the name of the Selected."

"I'm sure you are." He replied. "Many people were surprised when you didn't marry Camille and even more when you announce your selection. Why did you decide to have a selection?"

I took a deep breath before answering. "I decide because  Eadlyn found Erik because of the selection and everyone can see how much my mother and father love each other, and they found each other through the selection, I might have a chance at find that kind of love from the selection." The crowd cheered for that.

"Well I wish you lucky and I give you the floor." Gavril stepped aside. I thanked him and turn to address my country.

"Good evening Illeá. As you all know in my hand are the names of the girls invited to the palace to take part in the selection. So lets get started." I paused and opened the first envelope. "From Dakota Ms. Bailey Dillon, from Bankston Ms. Maria Kisel." I continued through the stack, the crowed clapping  after each name was called. Finally I got to the last envelope, Carolina, mom's province. I took another deep breath. "And last from Carolina Ms Kara Leger." A gasp came from behind me. "In one week, these 35 lovely ladies will join us at the palace and I can't wait to meet them." The crowd clapped as I walked back to my seat.

Gavril finish the report and the room slowly started to dissipate. "Well maybe one of them will be your soulmate." Eady walked toward me smiling, Erik following close behind.

"Or maybe someone they bring." I teased. They laughed. "I just hope there's no drama in the press."

"Oh don't fret I get the most of that, but inviting 35 girls you have to expect drama. And some may already be starting." She pointed to a edge of the room where Mom and Officer Leger were arguing.

"I'll go see what that's about." I moved away from my sister and slowly worked through the crowd towards them.

"Aspen it's a great idea. She'll be happy to see you and Eadlyn again." Mom's voice had a happy tone.

"Mer she spent a year convincing me that Dean could take care of her. She spent a year trying to get out of being in the palace why would she come back?" Office Leger sounded almost sad. Who are they talking about?  I paused a few steps away to think. Then it hit me. The last girls name was Kara Leger. She must be related to Aspen. Before I could continue that thought Mom noticed me. She smiled and came up to hug me.

"Are you excited Honey?" I replied with a nod. I should ask her.

"Mom is the girl from Carolina, Kara, related to Officer Leger?" I asked quietly. She eyes seemed to dull.

"It doesn't surprise me that you don't remember her." She sighed. I know her?? "Yes she's Aspen's niece. She stayed with him for a few years, but you two never did talk much. Im sure Eadlyn remembers her, they were great friends." She didn't say anything about it. "Either way I'm excited for you to meet all of them.

Kara's POV

"Kara there you are. The Report is about to begin." My dad called as I walked through the door. Normally the Report wasn't a big thing but today was the selection drawing and the whole country would be watching. Last week my father had convinced me to enter my name after some debate. Do you really want to go back to the palace? I shook my head at the thought. I dropped my thing off in my room before joining Dad in the family room. We talked my day at university until Ahren walked up on the screen. He looked older then when I knew him but other than that nothing at changed. He had the same smile and the same light in his eyes.

"Good evening Illeá. As you all know......." I zoned out on what he was saying just watching the screen. Eadlyn in the background was beautiful. She really was the perfect queen. I do miss her. She probably so busy these days. I turned my attention back to what Ahren was saying. "From Bonita Ms. Rose Hayden, from Yukon, Ms. Mariko Taka." He paused looking at the last envelop. "And last from Carolina Ms Kara Leger. In one week, these 35 lovely ladies will join us at the palace and I can't wait to meet them." And just like that my quiet peaceful life was gone.

Hey guys. So this is my first selection story. I will post a list of all of the girls who were pick for the selection. Thanks for checking it out. Please vote or comment if you liked it because it really shows that people actually read it. I hope you like it. Thanks. Meow =^.^=

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