Chapter Six: "Or else you would've have been um...dead."

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Chapter Six: "Or else you would've have been um...dead."


Adriel's pov

"Um..." I said nervously while looking down and playing with my fingers

"You can tell us anything Adriel" Paul said with a smile

"Yeah but you can tell us when you're ready" Hannah said

"No I'm ready" I said looking up

"Okay when I was ten I lived in NYC.I had a wonderful family we were happy and no worries but then tragedy entered our home. We had money problems. We had to pay for the rent and we had to pay a ton of money. We payed for it but we had a small amount of money because my dad lost his job and my mom had no job so she had to find a way to pay for our needs so she made food from scratch. My dad would find jobs so he could apply for but he couldn't find any jobs so he still kept looking and looking for a job my mom on the other hand came home late everyday because she had to sell the food she made early in the morning. She only had small amounts of money every month there was no extra money to buy daily needs and school supplies for my brother and I. Then,one night my dad told me he would come back with plenty of money and food he also told me to watch over my brother since mom wasn't at home yet. He left. My mom came back from selling food she asked where's dad and I said he didn't tell me where he went he just left my mom nodded. After a few weeks my dad wasn't home yet. My mom kept on contacting and contacting him but it was no use. So I had to look for clues if he left a note or something. I looked in my parents room then his cabinet that had less clothes then before I wonder why. While I looked in his cabinet I came across a note it said"I paused and took out the note from my phone case

I keep the note in my phone case because that's the only thing that was left from my dad

I read it out loud:
'Dear,whoever is reading this
This is dad and you're wondering why I'm not home yet it's because we don't have the money to afford things,I couldn't find a job,I can't help in this family anymore. I can't bare to see my own wife suffering through the situation we're in I had to leave. I'm sorry it had to be like this and don't bother to contact me anymore I have got my number changed and I am far away from home.


I was tearing up at that point and I kept the note back in my phone case

"After I read it I told mom she had it more harder than me since they fell inlove since college" I wipe my face to remove the tears dripping from my eyes

I continue. "When mom came home she looked paler than usual I asked her if she was okay. She coughed and nodded her head. She said she was fine and told me not to worry. After she said that her eyes widen and went straight to the bathroom. She started to throw up as I followed her. I told her we should go to the doctor for a check up because she looks sick. She agreed to do it and we went to the hospital. We found out that she has a very dangerous and awful sickness it's called pneumonia but the doctors said to give her right medication and let her rest,she was a strong and healthy woman before the sickness so probably she'll get better faster. After probably a few weeks later my mom was resting and Adrien was playing. I decided to go to the park while I was walking I saw a man hanging poster on a tree that said 'need money contact me' I stare at the man putting on the bark of the tree and he turns to face me and he stares at me. I was thinking maybe this might help in my family I mean like,I could help buy food and supplies for my mom,little brother and I and I get to buy more useful medicine for mom. The man saw me staring at him and asked what am I doing. I asked him if he could help me with our money problems.  He asked me if I was sure about the situation coming my way and I was prepared to do whatever it takes for my family.  He warned me that it wouldn't be easy. Me being a young ten year old. I didn't know it would go further than what happened today of course I took the offer and he told me what to do. I gave him my phone number from my home. After that I went back home"I said looking at them then intertwining my fingers together and stare at them

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