Green Pixie dust.

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So before you read this , I want first to thaknk you for all your comments , Im reading everything  and Im gratefull to you that you read my fics. If any of you wants t read something special I will gladly write it for you as a thank you for cmmenting on my stories. 

So guys the show decieded to destroy everything. Shitty storyline and the death of our favourite Robin hood ..I don't understand how stupid they are . seriously we watch this show for so many years , they got our hopes up and then they disspointed us all . They just couldn't do worst. I hate them all. Adam and Eddy can go fuck themselves , Personally Im done watching this show no matter how much i love Lana.... I was only watching it for our favourite ship but now they decided to fuck up everything and I don't even care anymore. I was crying  for days but even we can write better than them it seem. 

Regina has been through hell and still she is the only one who ends up alone and I just can't stand than anymore. I wish the worst rating for them to see how huge mistake they made. They just only care for hook. He died 45 times and came back like Jesus and Robin was so uninmportant to them  that hook had to make out on his grave. Seriously Im done with this crap. b

But Im here and I will continue writing because this ship means a lot to me , and it will live through us ...

Enjoy and tell me your thoughts , next chapter is ready and it will be update REALLY SOON  and I mean it  this time. Also for the ones who asked for ''heal her love her , '' Im working already on the next chapter.

Robin had run as fast as his legs could carry him . He mentally thanked himself for spending time every day for exercising , building a very healthy mascular body that had the stamina that someone needs for running fast for hours.

So the only thing he was doing was to run and run and run faster passing around trees to get his traces dissapear or at least to confuse the gaurds that they had been running behind him .

After of what it seemed hours he got for away from the castel and he stopped a moment to take a deep breath and get some rest . He was safe . He knew that they had lost him for sure , if they got too close to him he would hear their footsteps so he was calm enough to sit behind a tree and drink some water .

His thoughts though , had face , a beautiful young face , and they had eyes too , two brown orbs that made his breath hitch everytime he looked at them and a pair of marvellous red and soft lips that he would happy just to touch them with his thumbs for his whole life. His thoughts had name.


His love , his life , everything he had ever dreamed of was this woman that she had been taken way from him in the most cruel way. He misses her so damn much , he only wants to hold her close , to assure her that everything will be ok , that he is by her side no matter what , that he loves her more that life itself . He wants to hold her tightly in his arms to calm her fears to kiss the tears that he is sure they are running down from her cheeks since that bastard who called their King , broke them apart in the most awfull way . He wants to breath her sent and feel her against him and keep her safe for ever , keep her happy for ever.

If that bastard lays a finger on her he will kill him , he doesn't give a damn if he is King , he will end his life in front of everyone if he dares to touch Regina , if he dares to hurt her more than already has.

Anger wases through him , his blood running like a waves in his veins his fists clenching together and he takes the descision , he is going back in the castle . He is going back to take Regina out of there , he knows that she thinks he is dead and it's killing him .

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