You are not alone anymore

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He was standing there, looking at the soon-to-be-Queen for what seemed like hours. He wasn't tired though; the view before him had his mind thinking of much more pressing matters than sleep.

She was beautiful; long, dark hair flowing down her back, perfect, red lips pressed together in a straight line, and big, brown eyes that were full of tears and sadness. She looked young. Too young. And here she was, waiting to be married to man around the same age as her father, when he could see that she was barely eighteen years old.

Maybe that was the reason that she was crying. Quiet, shuddering breaths as tears clung to her lashes and then rolled down her cheeks and fell to her lips. And the only thing he wanted was to wipe them away from her beautiful face.

Searching in his uniform's pocket, he found the handkerchief the King had given him when he started service here. Removing it, he took a deep breath and started walking towards the young woman. 

She hadn't noticed that he had been gazing at her for a while, and when she suddenly heard footfalls behind her she jumped, hastily wiping her eyes before turning and scanning the area around her.

When her gaze fell towards the door she noticed a man standing there, looking slightly awkward as one hand reached to smooth his hair and another clutched a handkerchief to his chest. Regina tilted her head and studied him; he was fairly tall, with dark blond, short hair, and beautifully blue eyes that one could easily get lost in. Her eyes scanned over his clothing, obviously a uniform and from the crest sewn into the material over his chest he was one of King Leopold's knights.

For a short while they just stared at each other, tension growing in the air as neither knew what to say and just continued studying each other. 

Robin cleared his throat and took a step forward, offering her his handkerchief, lowering his head in respect. 

''Milady'' he greeted, in a soft voice.

Regina hesitated for a second before taking the proffered fabric, dabbing at her eyes and muttering a ''thank you'' .

''Robin of Locksley, at your service'' he announced, with a small, regal bow.

''I'm Regina, I...'' she didn't know what to say. Should she treat him like a Queen? She wasn't Royalty yet, but surely she should start getting used to addressing people in a formal manner. But she was just Regina; she didn't want to act like a Queen. And as she regarded their situation, it was unlikely that Queen's were caught crying by their King's knights anyway.

''What you just saw...please...'' she mumbled, trying to stop herself any more tears from falling. 

''Don't worry Milady''  he smiled slightly. '' I won't tell anyone.'' He answered to her unspoken request.

Taking a deep breath in relief she smiled back, offering a warm ''Thank you''.

'Do you need something? A glass of water maybe?'' he asked in concern.

Regina frowned. Why did he even care? It was not his job to care for her, but somehow she got the feeling that he did. 

''No, thank you'' she whispered  lowering her gaze from his.

''You've said that three times in this past minute,'' he teased, trying to draw a smile out of her

Regina chuckled lightly and looked up at him. Now, she noticed; the man in front of her was actually quite handsome.

''Forgive me, but you are beautiful when you smile. Tears don't suit you.'' He chuckled when he saw her blushing, ''and you're adorable when you blush.''

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