Chapter 17.

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*Skip to the end of vacation*

Today's the day. Today everything will change. Today's the day were going to England. I told Cameron a week after Harry adopted me, and she cried. I really don't know what I will do without her. And about surfing. Well Harry told me I cannot do it anymore. Not in a mean way, but he said they don't have a ocean fit for surfing over there and when we go on tour we can comeback and surf. I really don't know what I will do without it though. It's all I have left of my family. It was something me and dad did for years. I guess I have to put it off until we can comeback.

I still haven't called Harry dad yet. It's to soon. I know he really wants me to though, but I can't. At least not right now anyway. So at the moment we're packing our bags and putting stuff in the car. Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Me are all done packing. As for Niall and Louis, well they are taking a little bit longer. Reason being is that they thought it would be funny to fill the bathtub up with soap and water to the top and cannon ball into it. They got soapy water everywhere. On the bright side though the tub was huge. Like it was rally big. It could pry fit 4 people in it at a time.

So back to packing Louis and Niall finally came down and put their stuff in the car/van. We all piled Into the van and finally set off. As we pulled out of the driveway I turned and looked one last time to my house. The place where I grew up with my dad. The barbecues we would have in the back yard. The times when we would sleep out in our tent because we wanted to watch the stars. All those memories are all going to follow me forever. I'll never forget them. Especially my fathers funeral.


I slipped on my black leggings, then my smooth black dress over it. I had left my hair normal, so it would be straight. I slipped on my black shoes and laced them up. I lookers in the mirror an frowned. I didn't want to go today. I knew I would be crying, a lot. I mean its a funeral. My fathers to be exact. I was interrupted by a knock at the door. I muttered a quite 'Come in' and Harry walked in and walked over to me. "Is it time" I asked quietly, he nod and we grabbed Hands and walked down the stairs. No of the boys weren't coming, except Harry of course. And I was okay with it. I mean they didn't know my dad like Harry did. Even if it was for a short amount of time, they still got along well. We said goodbye to the others and walked to the car.

*After car ride*

We walked through the cemetery gates and were met by a lot of people. Most were people my dad knew and others people who are close to us. We greeted some people before grabbing our seats and the funeral began. "Hello, and welcome to the Burring of David Johnson Jones" we all muttered a hello and the priest guy continued. "David was a smart, selfless, caring man. He always put other in front of him." And the guy continued to tell everyone good things about my dad. Some people went up and made a speech to or about him. When it was my turn I slowly got up from my seat and walked up on the stage. I took a deep breath and Harry gave me a small smile. I then began.

"Hello" I said Into the microphone and everyone said hello or hi's back. "My dad was one for those people who was always there for me. He never cared if it was something small to the biggest thing, he still did it. When I told him I wanted to start surfing he right away started helping me. He never gave up on me even when I gave up on me. From when I got stung by a bee, to falling off my bike, to catching my first wave, he was there. I never really got to say goodbye to him. Or even say I love you forgone last time. If I could only turn back time, for even a minute I would say I love you and never let him go. I love you daddy, I hope your proud of me, because I'm proud of you. Thank you for being the best father in the world. I'll never forget you" I concluded and walked off stage. The rest of the funeral went by and soon the were lowering my father into the ground.

Soon me and Harry left and got in the car. After the door shut I started crying. I managed to stay strong in the funeral and when giving my speech. But I guess I couldn't hold it in any longer. Harry saw that I was crying and hugged be so tight that I thought I would pop. Not really but he gave me a comforting hug and we drove home. For rest of the day I cried and the guys tried to cheer me up.

{End of flashback}

I didn't even realize that we were at the airport until Zayn shook me a little and picked me up. We returned the car to I guess what was a car rental place and went inside of the airport. We got our tickets and went through security. While we waited for the plane we all just talked. "Flight 479 to London, England is now boarding" a person said over the intercom. We got our stuff and boarded the plane.

Once we found out seats we sat down and waited for the airplane to lift off. I was sitting by Liam and Harry. While Zayn, Louis, and Niall were behind us. I felt the plane start to move and we were soon in the air. I layer my head on Harry's shoulder and let out a yawn. It was about 6:18 and I was tired. Harry must of noticed because he started stroking my hair with his hand. "Love go ahead and sleep, I'll wake you up once we get there" and I follow into what he said. I let my eyes close and I let myself slip off into dream land.

I dreamed about what it would be like in London.

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