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Hey guys! The prologue will be in Noah's POV, and it will be very short, I will explain why at the end!

Books surround me.

The library has always been on of my favorite place to be.

I turn the pages of the book as I tune out the outside world.

Currently I do not have a class, so I spend my free time in the library.

"Look at the little nerd, with her only friend, a stupid book." Ashley, the stereotypical blonde girl says, causing her friends and boyfriend to laugh.

Not knowing what to say, I just play with one of the blonde curls in my ridiculously long hair. My mother gave me the trait of the hard to manage curly hair, and my light blonde hair came from my father. I really hate my hair, I wish it were brown, the color that is more pervasive, blonde causes too much attention.

My blue eyes are hidden behind thick black glasses.

"And she is a twig, why don't you just starve yourself some more, being skinny is the only thing you are good at anyway." Evelyn, the best friend of Ashley, says to me.

The groups laughs as they walk away.

Unaware that I will listen to them.

A week.

That is how long it has been since I last ate something.

I was small before, really small.

But, now, I am even smaller.

All my bones are more visible.

I am unhealthy small.

But, hey, it is the only thing I am good at.

Why not take it to the extreme?

Okay, wow, I knew this was short, but, I forgot it was this short. I knew I had to include this, I thought it was necessary to know before the story, because it is in Eli's POV, so I though I would give a glimpse into Noah's mind, and what is going on in her life.

Also, this book will be rather short, about 20 chapters or so, it is not meant to be a suspenseful story, it will be short, sweet, and predictable.

And story time! If you are new to my books, I like to share a story from my day at the end of each chapter.

So, I have this friend Zach, he likes me, and he is really nice and stuff, he is really weird, funny, and entertaining to be around.

My best friend, Olivia, has a twin brother, Owen, Zach's best friend.

So we were all sitting in our normal lunch spot(with about 5 other people). So we were playing one word story.

So, it was my turn, but Zach interrupted me. So, I was trying to say a word, but, he wanted it to be a different word.

Zach stands up, trying to intimidate me.

So I stand up too.

I then climb a water pipe or whatever it it(is it rather big), because he is quite a bit taller than me.

So, he climbs the other side.

There we are, arguing about what the next word in the story should be.

Then, all you hear is Own yell, "KISS!" really loudly.

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