Chapter Two

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La Grande Vallée Psychiatric Hospital in Rochefort en Terre, France on Thursday, June 2 2016, 12:55 P.M.

If there was ever going to be a memorable time in this place it would have to be at 12:55. For the first time in eleven years, three small knocks sounded on my door. No one has ever knocked on my door before. Why? Simply because I am the beast. I do not deserve the privacy. I stared at the white door with distaste. Do I open it? Do I yell? Should I allow them to enter? Should I demand them to go away?

Knock. Knock. Knock.

There those knocks were again. I didn't have time to think about my next choice words until they already escaped my lips. "Come in."

I heard the sound of a key unlocking the door before a woman entered. My eyes did the usual routine and immediately scanned the figure, purposely taking in every inch of her figure. Her brown hair was medium length and wavy. Her brown eyes were more than entrancing. More entrancing than the clock? I wasn't sure, but the long blue dress that went a little below her knees and flowed out after her waist was something new to this place. Something new to this room. Was she a visitor? Those were a rare occasion for me. The only time I got one was when a curious teenager snuck in to see if the rumors were true. The rumor that Adam Bruskin, the future heir of Bruskin incorporations actually killed Alexis Madison, future heir to the Crimson Legacy Hotel.

"Adam Bruskin?" She asked causing me to snap out of my thoughts. "I'm Isabelle Novak, but you may call me Bella." She held out her hand for me to shake and I stared at it for thirty seconds before placing my large hand in her petite one to shake. She sent me a kind smile causing me to quickly remove my hand.

"Isabelle. Bella." I tasted the different names on my chapped lips. It was too long. "Belle."

"If you prefer Belle than that's fine too." She added, her smiling never disappearing.

"What do you want?" I questioned, keeping up my cold exterior.

"I just want to talk." Belle said tucking a piece of her brown hair behind her ear."Can I sit here?" She asked pointing toward the extra chair that was next to the desk I was sitting at. I only nodded in response. Something about her petite body and her natural beauty was keeping me from demanding her to departure from my room.

"You have a nice room here." She said as she looked around causing me to scoff. What was nice about an all white room with nothing besides a single bed and one desk?

"Hey, you know what? How about we go get some lunch and talk?" The woman suggested making me stare blankly at her.

"I don't know if you've realized, but we're sitting in a mental hospital. A place for people who are mentally ill. A place for killers who are too ill to go to jail." I snapped, but she didn't seem fazed like the others usually did.

"So? Let's get out of this stuffy room and go eat in the recreation room." Belle stood up, holding her hand out for me to take. I ignored her hand and stood up by myself.

"Who are you exactly? Did Gaston send you?" I asked watching as she dropped her hand and slid the key card to get out of the room.

"I told you, my name's Isabelle or well Belle to you. If I'm going to be completely honest with you I am a doctor, but I don't want to be that with you. I'd rather be your friend." She insisted causing me to snort as I walked out with her to the recreation center where they would often serve food and even do activities.

Nurses stared at us the whole way, all obviously surprised I left my room. Honestly, even I was surprised. Why was I letting this woman convince me to do anything?

She's not afraid of you.

My inner conscience was right, but the last Doctor wasn't afraid of me either. Everything they do is a front, a simple facade to hide their true personality and their true feelings.

We stood in line and I was surprised when Belle turned to ask me what I wanted to eat. Did I actually get a choice? Staring down at the food I saw there were different types of fruits and vegetables to go on the side of the strange meat.

"What would you like?" The old woman asked and I looked up from the food, my eyes narrowing at her.

"Why is he just staring at her like that?" A man asked quietly to a woman in the back, thinking I couldn't hear.

"Careful if he hears you he'll go all beast again. May even try to kill you." She winked before giggling. The man laughed with her before they finally noticed my gaze causing their laughter to quickly die down.

"Ignore them." Belle suddenly whispered in my ear making my eyes snap to hers. "Don't worry about them. Just pick which food you want." She said giving me a sincere smile.

Don't trust her. This is all a lie.

The tray dropped out of my hands landing straight on the floor.

"Adam?" She called, her voice as sweet as lemonade. "Hey, It's okay."

She probably knows him. She probably knows Gaston.

Belle told the old woman the different foods to fill a new tray with before taking it. I didn't realize we were back to the room until I stood in front of the white door with the peeling paint. It's funny how when things get old they start to peel and break. I wonder what would happen if the walls just started to crumble now, releasing me from this place through death.

No, you are not crazy and you are definitely not sucidal. I thought to myself.

"I am not crazy. I am not crazy. It's this place. I am not crazy." I whispered to myself. She thought I was crazy. They all did, but I'm not. Being in this place for 11 years was crazy, but that does not make me crazy.

I may be the beast. But- No, I am Adam Bruskin and I am not crazy.

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