Chapter Three

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La Grande Vallée Psychiatric Hospital in Rochefort en Terre, France on Thursday, 2 June 2016, 2:14 P.M.

I watched as Belle stared at me for a long minute once we were both sitting in the room."Get out." I demanded suddenly. She didn't flinch at my tone nor did she move.

"Why?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

"Because I am a killer, a beast and you are a doctor. Probably another doctor who thinks they can fix me." I snapped at her, watching as her expression still did not change.

"The beast." She tested the name on her lips as I once did with hers."The beast you are." She nodded not denying it. I wasn't sure why, but when the words left her mouth I felt it strike me. She was like the rest of them. I was just a beast to her. I didn't want to be a beast to her.

"Yes, so why would you risk your life by staying in here?" I questioned causing her to smile.

"You're not a killer." She said making my eyes focus on her once again. "I watched your tapes and your sessions with Doctor Berzuini and you're not a killer. Everyone else may be too blind or may not care enough to see it, but a killer does not show the symptoms you do. Pleading guilty is the way to go when the case is about over. You plead not guilty even to this day." She stated firmly.

"I didn't kill her. I was thirteen. I am not crazy." I insisted looking at her, almost begging her with my blue eyes to believe me.

"You are not." Belle agreed, not commenting on my sudden change in attitude."But I have a question for you; if you are not the killer than who is?"

Flashes of my brother went through my head." My brother, he killed her." I stated without hesitation.

The door suddenly opened, "Dr. Novak, it's time to leave." The old woman said causing Belle to frown.

She looked up at the clock and saw the time. "It's barely 2:30?" She said in a questioning tone.

"The Bea- I mean Adam is only allowed to have visitors till three." The woman stated.

"We still have a half an hour then," Belle argued.

"Due to Adam's behavior earlier the time is being cut short." She said opening the door wider, signaling for her to get up and walk out. Belle let out a small sigh and followed her instructions.

"It was a pleasure talking to you. I'll come back Saturday and we can finish our discussion." She said smiling at me. I watched her exit the room, the nurse only narrowed her eyes at me before shutting the door behind them.

"Goodbye, Belle," I whispered long after the door was shut. I laid back on my bed, ignoring the aroma of food that filled the room. I let my mind wonder back to the past. My brother, Gaston placed that death on me all because he wanted to be heir to the company. I couldn't help but wonder if he ever got the position. My parents always wanted me to take over Bruskin Incorporation ever since my first three words were: "Agile Development Movement". Since that day they would take me to work every day and teach me different terminology that they would use in the business world.

Gaston should've been the heir. He was right about that. He took the right business classes and he was the oldest, but that didn't matter to my parents. They wanted an even younger mind. They wanted someone who only knew business and nothing else from the start.

"Adam, you need to eat some food. It's time for your pills and you can't take them on an empty stomach." Nurse Kayla said, making me sit up from my bed, a frown pressed on my face.

"I'm not hungry," I told her causing her to enter completely, the door shutting behind her.

"You need to eat. These pills will help you get better." She insisted and I didn't hold back the snort. Those pills are the things making me go insane. I decided not to argue for Belle's sake. If I wanted her to be able to come back then I needed to be on the best behavior. I stood up and walked over to the desk. I took a large bite out of my sandwich and chewed it thoroughly. Once it was completely finished she handed me the small plastic cup with the colorful pills. I put them in my mouth and took a sip of my water. I easily pushed the two pills under my tongue and opened my mouth to show her they were all gone.

"Thank you." She said looking surprised that I actually listened without fighting her on it. I watched as she took the plastic cup out of my hand before leaving the room. I spit the pills in my hand and flushed them down the toilet that was in my room. If I was going to leave this place soon then I wasn't going to be on crazy pills when it happens.

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