In the corner of my eye

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Ashley POV

There he is again. Skye Richardson the loner of the school. Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Ashley Johnson. I am 18 years old. I have light brown, straight hair. I have green eyes. I'm around 5'7. My favorite type of clothing is hoodies. I always wear my gray hoodie. I like converse and music. I love to sing. I'm not popular but I'm not unnoticeable. I'm not a geek but I get straight A's. That's it. I'm not interesting. I was talking to my friends but I wasn't interested in their conversation. I looked at him again. Ear buds in his ear. Blonde hair tucked away in a maroon beanie. His face hidden by a book that he is engrossed in. I've never seen him talk to anyone. He always sits alone. I should have been like everyone else, ignoring him. Something about him intrigued me. "Earth to Ashley. Come in Ashley." My friend, Stacy, said trying to get my attention. I look at her with a questioning look. What does she want now. "Lets make a bet," She started out. Oh gosh I now this will end bad. "No." I deadpan. "Come on listen to me, you have to sit with loner boy over there and make something with your life." She said, I give her a What the heck look. "Your always staring at him might as well just talk to him." She said, I sigh. He looks like a model and he has no friends. "I don't know he seems so lonely. Yet he looks like he can make millions of friends." I say as I grab my books for my first class. He then closes his book and leaves. Then a minute later the bell rings. I looked at where he used to be. Maybe I should talk to him.

----------- Lunch Time -----------

I sit with my friends. Piper, Lily, Stacy, Amy, Adrian and Josh. Piper and Lily are twins except Lily has light brown hair and Piper has dark brown hair. Piper has an ombre-ish thing, dark brown hair on the top half and dyed red hair in the bottom half, they both have hazel eyes. Stacy has blonde hair and blue eyes. All three of them are around 5'6. Amy has brown hair and blonde highlights she has brown eyes. She is around my height. Josh is one of my older brothers by a few months. He has dark hair like my dad. He has green eyes like me and my mom. He is 5'8. My other brother Adrian has a mix with light and dark brown hair. He has blue eyes like my dad. He is 5'9. We are all 18. All of us were single. "So your not going to sit next to him." Piper asks as she pops a chip into her mouth. I look at the table next to the tree were Skye usually sits. We all have to eat outside. "Nope." I say popping the 'p'. "Why?" She asks. "Why so many questions." I say back. She shrugs. I glance at Skye one more time and began chewing my food. Piper is like a journalist, always asking questions. Lily was a artist, capturing everything in her sketches. Stacy is a photographer, catching amazing views with her trusty camera. Amy is an actor, very dramatic. Josh is like a soccer player, very good at being a goalie. Adrian is a basketball player, very good at basketball. Me, I don't know. A few months untill school was out. "Why are you interested in him anyways?" My brother, Adrian, asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I shrug "Dunno he is like a box boring in the outside but you want to know whats inside." I say. He just nodded. The bell rang and I threw away what was left of my food which wasn't much. After my last class I walk to my free period or where I like to go I bump into someone and fall on my butt. Books and papers are scattered everywhere. I blush in embarrassment. "Watch were you're going." I hear a boy snap. "Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." I say as I pick up my books and papers. I looked up to see the boy that I bumped into, it was Skye. Of course out of the whole school I had to bump into him. I stared at him wide eyed and I just hurried gathering my stuff. I check the stuff in my hands to see if it was mine. I go over the books The Great Gatsby and The House of Hades. I take them out the pile and give it to him. "Here you go I think these are yours." I say shakily. My heart is racing, what is wrong with me. Ashley calm yourself its just a boy. He just got his books, he hands me my stuff. Once everything is sorted out we stand up. "You don't talk much do you." I blurt out. He shrugs as he makes his way to leave. "Wait!" I yell. He turns around at looks at me irritated. His brown eyes looking at my green ones. "M-my name is Ashley." I say. He looks like he is battling with himself not knowing what to do next. "My name is Skye." He says. "Nice choice of books and nice beanie." I say getting my voice. He nods but his eyes held shock and irritation that someone is talking to him. He said nothing back. He turned around and leaves not looking back. I go to the library. "Hi Deni." I greet the librarian. Her full name is Denise but I made her a nickname. "Hi, your a little late today." She said. "I bumped into Skye on accident." I say. "Oh him he is such a nice child, sad that he doesn't have many friends." She says. How did she know who I was talking about? There are lots of people in this school. I made a mental note to ask about that later. "Need any help?" I ask. "Can you get me more copy paper, thank you." She said, I walk into the office and get copy paper. They all know me, I always help teachers. Who I didn't know I will see is Skye who is in my way to get copy paper. "Excuse me." I say. He turns around and looks at me before going to the other side of the room. He has a bunch of papers in his hand. "What is all that about?" I ask gesturing to the papers. I get copy paper and wait for his response. "Why do you care?" He says rather rudely. "Just trying to make conversation sheesh." I said. Moments later he said, "This is for the librarian." "Wanna walk together, I'm going over their too." I say. He just nods. We walk in silence. He is a couple of inches taller than me around 5'11. Once we get there Denise has two cups of coffee on her desk. "Set them over at the table and I got both of you coffee have a nice day!" She yells, I get my coffee. I have free period my last period. I could have left school but I like helping. "Why didn't you leave school?" I ask him. "Why are you talking to me." He snaps then leaves. "Don't worry sweetheart he has trouble opening up to people." Denise said. I nod. The bell rang "Bye Denise." I say as I close the door.

What do you think? New book yay. Do you want to see the cast? I got pics (from google of course).
P.S. Yes Skye is a boy and girl name
--Kay Kay

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