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Perfect- entirely without flaw or defect

That my friends is the Merriam-Webster 2013 dictionary definition of the word perfect.

Last time I checked, that was considered unrealistic. Am I right?


Everyone will tell you that there’s no such thing as perfect. Perfect is not something a human being can be, simply because we’re all different and there is no true ideal. I am here to tell you that that’s a load of bullshit.

Perfect is certainly attainable if you work hard enough for it. Trust me, I’ve done it. And by work I don’t mean not eating or plastic surgery or any other crazy tactics you may have had in mind. I mean you actually have to work.

Want to be skinnier? Get on the treadmill. Eat an apple.

Want to be prettier? Makeup. Hair care. Every single day, even when you don't feel like going anywhere. It works miracles.

Want to be smarter? Study.

However, no matter how hard you work, there will always be at least one person who will never think you’re perfect. I like to consider them motivators. My motivator just so happens to be my boyfriend, Parker Bradson.

Look, I know what you’re thinking right now. Don’t even go there with me. I’ve heard it before from just about all of my friends, and I could live without hearing it again. I’m aware of all the fairytale stories where the guy makes the girl feel like a complete princess. Parker may not make me feel that way, but at least he’s living in reality. I’m not perfect. Not yet, anyways. I’m glad he doesn’t lie and try to convince me I am. He’s only telling me the truth about myself, and I appreciate it.

Regardless, I will always try to improve myself to show him I can achieve perfection. He believes I haven’t yet shoved away all of my flaws, and I intend to one day change that. Every single day I work to change that.

“April,” my mother stopped me as I stepped onto the stairs. “Come here for a second, would you?”

I walked over and leaned against the kitchen counter. “Yes, Mum?”

“I need you to stay home tomorrow night,” she informed. I mentally skimmed over my schedule.

“I can’t. Parker has a football game tomorrow night. I have to go to support him.”

“This isn’t debatable,” she said, her voice suddenly stern. She didn’t seem too happy as she crossed her thin arms over one another. She never did seem thrilled when I brought up Parker.

 I knew she didn’t like him, although I was never entirely sure why. I thought it was because of his impact on my self image, but she really shouldn’t have disliked him for that. In fact, she should've been grateful. He was helping me to be the best that I could be. Mothers usually want that for their children, right?

“What’s so important that I need to stay home?” I asked, not even attempting to hide my annoyance.

“Niall is coming home,” she said. I smiled, all my irritation disappearing.

“Really?!” I squealed. “I haven’t seen him in years! This is great!”

She nodded. “I know. You have to be here.”

“Okay,” I said. “I’ll let Parker know."

Niall Horan had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. Ever since we met we’d had this unbreakable bond. That is until he realized he could sing. I was really upset when he left for the X Factor, but I didn’t dare tell him that. I knew if he was aware I was sad about it then he wouldn’t have done it, but I wanted him to. He deserved to be happy and follow his dreams. I couldn’t believe how far he'd come since then. It was all just far too surreal.

Anyways, it truly was fantastic that he was finally coming home. Although I wasn't sure how long it would be before he was whisked off on another tour or whatever, at least he would be back for a little bit, and that’s all that mattered to me.

I sat on my bed as I pulled out my phone and dialed the number I knew by heart. I listened to it ring until I got Parker’s voicemail. I sighed and tried again. He finally answered on the third ring.

“Yeah?” he grumbled.

“Hey, babe! What’s up?” I asked, smiling at the sound of his voice.

“Nothing. I’m at Derek’s house. Did you need something?”

“I was just going to let you know that I can’t make it to your game tomorrow night. I have a-“

“Okay. Why couldn’t you just text me that?” he asked, obviously irritated.

“Oh, sorry. I wasn’t sure if-“

“See,” he said, cutting me off again. “You’re making stupid excuses again. You always do that. It’s so annoying. That’s one of your problems,” he told me, aggravated. I tried to think of words to say, but nothing came to mind. This usually happened when I was around Parker, but in the end I knew he was only trying to help me.

“Right. I’ll try to get better with that,” I muttered.

“Good. What’s so important that you’re missing my game anyway?” he demanded.

“I have this friend coming over. I haven’t seen him in a few years, and I think his family is having dinner here,” I explained.

“I don’t see why you’re skipping my game for that, but whatever. I have to go. Make sure you don’t eat too much at that dinner thing. I saw you get that soft pretzel at my last game, and we wouldn’t want you gaining anymore weight. You’ve already started getting chubbier if you ask me. Just watch it.”

Then, he hung up.

I looked down at my stomach. Was I really gaining weight? I mean, I didn’t look any chubbier in my opinion. I got up and walked to my mirror. I took off my shirt and stared at my reflection. Maybe he was right. Maybe I could lose a few pounds. After scrutinizing myself for a few minutes, I changed into sport shorts and a tank top, sliding on my sneakers and forming my hair into an impeccable bun.

Then, I began my jog down my street, on the route to becoming perfect.


OKAy so can we get one thing straight here: there is a very high chance I might not continue this story. I literally just had this spark of an idea today and I decided to run with it and now here I am posting chapter 1. keep in mind I am also currently writing 3 other stories, plus 1 on hold, plus I have school, plus I have no freaking idea where this book is headed XD but if I do continue it I will make it work so I need every single ounce of opinion you can give me. I MEAN EVERY FREAKING OUNCE IF YOU THOUGHT ANYTHING OF THIS CHAPTER AT ALL (which I know you did because nobody just reads a chapter and has absolutely no opinion of it) PLEASE TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS OR EVEN A MESSAGE I DONT CARE I JUST REALLY NEED TO KNOW PRETTY PLEASE<3 thanks so much and I love you with a deep burning passion c: byeeeeeee

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