Chapter 2.

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     I walked into the coffee shop with quick and unnoticeable ease, it was quite busy so it wasn't difficult to go unseen. I walked up to the counter to place my usual order, smirking slightly when the guy, no older than I was, but much shorter, saw me. He blushed this bright red as he went back to taking orders and writing them down. A petite girl working as a barista behind the counter called out for the next customer, walking up to the spot, I placed my order, watching in amusement as she tried to flirt with me. Cute. -rolls eyes- That'll be $3.00 even. She spoke in a quiet but bold kind of voice. Grumbling, I pulled out a five dollar bill and handed it to her awaiting my change. Here you go sir, your order will be out soon. She stated.
I sat down at a booth in the corner or the shop with my drink and pulled out my phone checking the time and to see if my sister had texted me back. 10:10am, she should have texted me with an answer already. I sighed as I opened our conversation and composed a text to her. 'Jayme, it's passed ten. Do I need to come get you at 11 like planned or are you finding a way home?' I locked my phone and put it next to my coffee cup. Sighing once again, I looked around the small coffee shop, "Cup to Go" I think it was called. It's a cute little place, littered with booths and tables, always a busy place, always quite hectic, yet surprisingly well run and quick service. My phone buzzed with a message saying. 'I'm sorry Cas...I thought I replied...I think I'm going to stay here tonight I'll text you later if I need to come home' she replied. 'No you will finalize plans now Jayme, I won't be able to come get you later, we agreed on 11 this morning. Either you get your own ride home or I come get you in about 15 minutes.' I sent the text and sighed again. I do that a lot. You would too if you had Jayme as a sister. Almost immediately I received a reply. 'Okay, I'm sorry. I'm staying I'll need a ride home tomorrow night though. Can you do that?' I could literally hear her sarcasm and sass through the damn text. I responded, already irritated and it's barely 10:30 in the morning, telling her that'd be fine. She responded with a quick 'thank you. Love you bro'.
     You know. You shouldn't be sitting out here all lonely like. A very sarcastic voice invaded my ears. I looked up seeing a very close friend of mine. Oh, ew what the hell are you doing here. I teased. Jackson scoffed as he sat down on the bench beside me. Now. Is that anyway to treat your best friend. This is where he rolls his eyes at me. Oh shut up Jackie, you know I'm only joking. I stated, pushing his shoulder lightly. Yeah okay, I've heard that one before. I wonder from who though, OH THATS RIGHT! YOU! He shouted the last part. That's one thing about Jackson no one can forget. He's loud, sarcastic, yet extremely quiet and sensitive, and at times the most obnoxious person ever, but he's like a brother to me. I've known him pretty much my whole life and he's been there since the beginning so it's alright. I can deal.  Okay you ass. Chill with the sass would you. I sighed. My phone buzzed as I went to speak again. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas!!! Jackson screeched. What Jackie? I asked becoming irritated with his antics. Who ya texting? Hmmm? He smirked. None of your damn business, that's who. I snapped at him. Sorry... He mumbled looking down at his hands. I didn't mean to make you mad Cas I was just curious. He continued looking down at is hands, playing with his fingers, something he only does when he's upset or nervous. Great I snapped at him and made him upset. Good going Cas. Jackson look at me. I demanded. He didn't look at me, just continued on messing with his hands. Jackie. I tried again. Nothing. I reached for his hands, stopping their movement all together hoping he'd look up at me, he didn't, just continued to try and relieve them of my grip on them. Jackson. I strained. Look at me please. He finally looked at me and whispered. What? I sighed...again. Don't be upset Jackie. He just looked at me. Like I was stupid. Well why the hell not. I already made you mad. Ugh. See that's another thing. He thinks everything is his fault when in reality he did nothing. I just took it out on him when I shouldn't have. No. Jackie. You didn't make me mad. I snapped at you for no reason and for something dumb. I spoke softly. Ok...I'm sorry Cas. He whispered, hugging me.
     Pst. Someone poked me. Pstttt. The poking continued. I opened an eye slightly to see a Jackson poking my face repeating the sound Pst. You shouldn't poke people's faces. Jackson jumped and yelled, WHY MUST YOU DO THAT I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK. WHY? WHY? CASP- i slapped a hand over his mouth. Don't. You. Dare. I whispered coldly in his ear. He nodded his head violently. He mumbled something against my hand so I cautiously removed my hand to let him speak. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean to I'm sorry it slipped I didn't mean it Cas I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so so- Don't say it again Jackson. I cut off his rambling. Im sorry C-Cas, it just slipped. I didn't mean to. I know you hate it. I'm sorry. He was still sobbing, so I just hugged him to me tightly. It's okay Jackie, it's just fine. I whispered. You're okay. I hugged him close to me as I picked a movie for us to watch. Can we watch "The Martian" please? He whispered. Yeah, no problem Jackie. I said quietly. Finding the film, I clicked play, and repositioned Jackson small frame so we were both comfortable. By the time the movie was over Jackson had been well off into dream land, I laid down with him on the couch and I too drifted off.
Wow okay so I told you the chapter would be longer and if I say so myself I delivered. I wrote this today (5-13-16) over the course of 8 hours. While I was in school. So I hope you enjoy. This one is only about 9 pages long but still longer. They will progressively get longer and longer as my plot builds. Sorry for the long AN. Hope you enjoy!



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