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I was walking down the halls to get to my car. I was holding all my boxes and luggage. I took a look around the dorm one more time before shutting the door. I was leaving all this drama behind and I was ready to move on.

Everyone was moving today, I was probably the first one done since I started yesterday. I walked around the campus saying bye to everyone before getting in my car a driving away. I drove all the way to Chicago for a little break.

I surprised my family and they were so elated to see me in person. I stayed for a week, catching up with my sister and parents before I had to go to Michigan for the movie.

Every Ivy Leauge college accepted me, I even got full scholarships. But Fame Zodiac College also accepted me, but I decided to choose Harvard for their Fine Arts programs. College starts in 4 months so right now I was dedicating this time to the movie.

Everything was going well with the start of this movie. I liked my costar considering he was Tyler Posey the main star of Teen Wolf. Him and I got along easily and it was actually really fun. I barely did anything else but read, excersise, work on the movie, and work on my writing. Everything was going okay, but honestly I missed high school.

I didn't talk to anyone from high school anymore and I just have been bored lately. Tyler is also busy with Teen Wolf so we don't hang out a lot, and I haven't really done anything here. I decided to go for a walk on the coast.

I changed into a light pink tank top, a lose pair of shorts, black flats, with my book in hand, and my hair in a messy ponytail. Michigan is so quiet and peaceful. Nobody really cared about stars or anything, once they saw you and took their picture they treated you as everyone else. I enjoyed that about this place. In New York I can't walk around without crowds of people bombarding me. I walked along the sidewalks watching the small waves roll around. People were sitting on the sand playing with their children and was enjoying the view.

I sat on a bench and breathed in the ocean air. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the peace.

"I feel the same way." I opened my eyes to see Tyler. His smile was nice. I loved his uneven jawline it made him normal not a perfect boy.

"The peace of the people, it's nice." He said. I nodded in a agreement and moved down so he could sit. He was wearing jeans and a 3/4 sleeve shirt.

"I like that it's so different from New York, I feel like I am normal here." I said he smiled at me and chilled back on his chair.

"So how's Seana?" I asked him. His smile fell and he gulped

"I called off the engagement.... It just doesn't feel right anymore.... My career, Arden Cho feels weird kissing me since I was engaged, and that can't happen since she's my "girlfriend" on the show." He said.

"I'm sorry I brought it up." I whispered. He smiled and rested his back on the back of the bench. We sat there in a comfortable silence

"Aren't you dating that soccer guy? Ummmm.... Andy? Right?" He asked me

"No we broke up around Christmas time... I guess it was just to hard to be together again." I sighed

"Again?" He asked

"We dated in 8th grade... We were super close, until I moved." I almost cried remembering the pain he put me through. Tyler grabbed my chin and made me look at me. He used his thumb to wipe away my tears.

"I'm so sorry I brought it up... I can tell it still hurts but I can also tell that your over him just very sad that it happened." He held my chin and cheek still and gave me a sad smile. I smiled back at him. I wiped my tears and rested my head on his shoulder. He put his chin on my head and put his arm around my shoulders.

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