The Intruder

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My mother started braiding my hair from my hair line.

Her agile fingers slid through the thick locks fluidly, weaving them together.

I grumbled as she found a knot and started tugging on it "Are you sure I can't cut my hair?"

She snorted "No way in hell, sugar."

I deflated and let her go on "What do your studies look like this week?" She asked absently.

I nibbled on my lip "Um...I don't know."

She clicked her tongue "And why is that?"

I sighed "Because they're boring."

Her braiding became harsher and I squeaked when she tugged a little too hard "Mom." I whined.

She huffed "If you'd stayed in all of them like you were supposed to instead of skipping, you would have been done with them two years ago."

I groaned "Why do I even need to learn Reizian?"

She fell silent as her fingers slowly came to a halt when she got to the end of my hair and began tying the braid off with a leather strip "Because it could save your life one day." She murmured thoughtfully.

I looked at her in the mirror.

She hadn't aged much, apparently, since she met my father.

So, now, we look the same age except for the fact that she has had four kids, and is pregnant with her fifth whereas I've never touched a male sex organ in my life.

Her eyes met mine now, in our reflection and her solemn expression quickly lifted into a tight smile "And because I said so. I love that one. It really comes in handy for a mother, you know?" 

I rolled my eyes, standing to my full height, which was taller than my mother, but not by much.

"Thanks." I said before kissing her on the cheek and heading out.

I took my time walking to my tutor's house.

She was a strange old bird that looked like she was older than the earth itself. And Madge? That name never made sense to me, but then again, that would make a hypocrite because I didn't exactly have a run-of-the-mill name.


I mentally over-exaggerated the syllables.

I still remember my mother trying to explain to me why my name was spelled the way it was: Lucia.

Any time I'd look at it, I sit and think 'Damn, that just looks odd.'

And it did.

As I got to Madge's tavern/healing place, I contemplated running, but that would just get me into trouble. One thing I learned early on was that if you want to get in trouble, better it be with Scar than Vas.

My mother generally liked to make me go out and shoot until my fingers were red and swollen and then I had to go pick up all the arrows that didn't hit within the middle of the target. Not many of them did.

It was like a punishment within a punishment. 

My father, however, was terrified of me with a weapon for some reason, and so anytime I got in trouble with him around, he'd usually just sit me down and lecture me and then we'd eat sweets together.

Obviously, there's a reason as to why I preferred my father's punishment over my mother's.

Madge stepped out and raised a grey eyebrow at me "Are you just going to stand there all day, girl?" She asked.

I sighed "No." 

I followed her inside and sat down at the table in front of her. She slammed a book down in front of me and opened it with a single flip, apparently right on the page she needed it to be on, because then she turned away and went to the large white board she had in the main room. She take chunks of coal and write on it and then she could just wipe it off and there'd be more writing surface.

I preferred to use the board more for recreational purposes rather than learning.

really tried to pay attention. I really did, but I just couldn't. My mind would wander to other things.

Like, I would wonder what my brothers were doing. Were they off fighting crime with dad? Were they settling important negotiations with the other packs? Were that speaking with the Vampyres as I sat here, learning stupid Reizian?

Finally, though, I had an excuse not to pay attention.

A lot of noise came from outside.

There were many shouts and howls and barks and Madge and I were both distracted now, hurrying to get to the window.

When we threw it open, what I saw was something strange and magnificent.

My father in his wolf form and with his entire pack behind him was having a stand-off with another, notably smaller pack.

They were all just standing and staring at each other before my father's large wolf nodded and everyone shifted.

I groaned in disgust turning away from the scene of the large amount of men, some of whom I've known for years, as they turned into their significantly more nude human selves.

I heard a bark of laughter "Oh, hey sis. What, you don't want to get an eyeful of my dirty banana?" taunted my oldest brother, Leo.

Without opening my eyes I scoffed "More like a dirty acorn, asshole!"

My dad chuckled "Madge, shut the window, would you?"

I opened my eyes just to see the view blocked from my eyes.

Madge motioned for me to come back to the table with her.

"What were they doing?" I asked.

She didn't answer, just went back to writing on the board.

I groaned again "Oh come on, Madge. Who were they?"

She still didn't answer "Why were they here? What's going to happen?" I prodded more.

She turned around exasperatedly "They're most likely going to join the pack. Now, child, would you focus for once? I swear, I'm going to have to sew your eyelids to your forehead if your concentration gets any worse!"

I cringed and as I was now secretly satisfied with her answer, I did finally focus on the lesson.

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