Chapter 3: Scenic Route

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I didn't have any lessons today and I was truly glad, because now I could search for Mr. Sexy Bulging Muscles Man.

I made a note in my mind to be extra careful not to think out loud, because I would never live down the embarrassment if I ever called him that aloud, where anyone could possibly hear me.

I shuddered at the very thought of it.

I made sure to dress in trousers, a tunic, and a worn leather jacket that I stole from my mother.

I grabbed an apple on the way out the door and munched on it as I wandered the streets, brainstorming on where the guy could be. Since I'd never seen him before, I'd have to assume he was with the other pack. If he was with the other pack, they are probably out running now...or they could be eating...or maybe they've already left.

Okay, so maybe I didn't think this over too well.

Of course, I didn't have to scold myself for long, because my father cut through my reverie "Vas. I thought we agreed no hunting when you're..."

I was whipped around by his gentle grip on my arm "Not Vas..." He mumbled, shocked.

I was already frowning "Dad? What were you just saying?"

He shook his head "Oh, don't worry about it, Lucia. What are you doing out those clothes?"

I pursed my lips "Oh, don't worry about it, Dad."

He sighed "I deserve that."

I nodded "You do." I acknowledged.

He crossed his arms "Is there any way I'm going to get you to budge without explaining myself?"

I shook my head "Nope."

He gave me a wry grin "Nerves of steel, just like your mother. If you weren't going anywhere specific, mind if I join you?"

I was secretly disappointed, but also, I was excited. I never got to spend too much time with my dad because of his Alpha stuff, and I know we both regretted that to an extent. I knew he had to do his work, and he knew how much I missed him, so we both tried to meet in the middle.

I smiled "Please do."

I took another bite out of my apple as we walked.

"You know, you really look just like your mother dressed like that. It scares me." He told me.

I scowled "Mom?"

He gave me a stink eye "Be nice. I watched her have a screaming child pulled from her insides, four times."

I gagged "Ew. Dad! You watched?"

He snorted "My mate was in pain from something I'd put inside her. If I could have carried the kids to keep her from the pain of birthing, I would matter how much pain that was." He shivered visibly and I laughed "That's really sweet, a weird way."

He shrugged "I try."

"But seriously, mom, dressed like this? Why would she need to?"

He sighed "Believe it or not, it really saddens her she can't go out and do all the crazy shit she used to because she constantly stays pregnant, or raising kids, or keeping her eye on her errant daughter that likes to skip lessons."

I scrunched my nose at the mention of lessons "Yeah yeah."

He gave a little chuckle "Lighten up on her, kiddo. She's doing what she thinks is best."

That just didn't seem fair, and hearing him defend her to the point of idiocy like he was angered me "And what do you think is best, huh? Every day, all I hear about is how I should work harder on my lessons, and how I should take pleasure in things that challenge me, and how I should just be a better person in general! It's not fair. She doesn't do any of that shit to Leo or Sili! And Alex? Apparently he's a little angel."

I was breathing hard, and my father was staring down at me with sad eyes that broke my heart "Are you through?"

I bit my lip and shrunk back to my less angry self, nodding guiltily.

He gently reached up and pulled me to his chest, rubbing my back "I know it feels a lot worse than it actually is at the moment, sweetie, but everything that's happening now is to prepare you for what happens next."

His words didn't make sense. Of course, he didn't stick around to answer any of my questions.

I huffed, turning and kicked a stone.

"Parents, huh?" asked a deep voice.

I halted, looking up and saw him.

He looked like he'd just come around the corner and caught the end of the conversation.

I scrunched my nose "Yeah." I bit out.

His wry smirk sent my heart into a flurry "Want to talk about it?"

I shook my head "What's your name?"

He chuckled "Right to the point, eh?"

I smiled "Always."

He came forward, stopping approximately a foot and a half away from me. This was probably too close for normal people that were strangers, but first of all, I wasn't normal, and secondly, any further away and I would've stepped closer to him.

At this distance I could smell the faint woodsy scent from him, and it was exquisite.

As if he could read my mind his lips twitched "Sev, you?"

"Lucia." I replied quickly.

He held out his hand "Nice to meet you, Lucia."

I grasped it cautiously and was surprised by the pleasurable shock it sent through my entire body "You t-too." I stuttered slightly, heat rushing to my face.

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