Chapter 6: A Concerned Mother

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Sev's POV

Scar's pack had a meeting today, with the whole pack, and his mate showed up in the middle of it, and stood at the edge of the meeting hall, right beside me.

Something about her scent was completely off from other humans around here. The part of my brain that was trying to reason with me, told me it was because she carried a child within her plump stomach, but my gut told me otherwise.

She stared at her mate with a faint smile of love and amusement, her hand resting fondly on her abdomen.

I noticed the way her nose was long and straight, the way her jaw gently curved up to meet her ear, mostly because I remember Lucia having those same features.

Something about Lucia was softer than her mother, though.

"Is our daughter pregnant yet?" She asked quietly.

I jerked when I saw how close she'd come so quickly and quietly.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I mumbled shocked.

She rolled her eyes "Don't know what I'm talking about? Well, sure you do. You are mates, you know the wolf bond thing that connects two people forever? I hope you don't think because I'm not a wolf that I don't recognize the signs." 

My heart skipped a small beat "No ma'am, of course not..."

"Please don't call me ma'am. I hate being called ma'am." She sighed. I glanced around, trying to notice if anyone else was seeing what was going on.

I squirmed "Do you...want me to stay away from her?"

She snorted "Not only do I know that that's not healthy, I know that if I forbade it, she'd tried to jump your bones even faster."

I choked slightly, coughing. I'd never heard a woman speak so brashly. I thought only men talked like this "I doubt that, Ms. Grigori..."

She raised her slim eyebrow at me "At least it's a step up from ma'am."

I grimaced "Really, I've only even held her hand..."

She peered at me suspiciously. I held her gaze, not challenging, just respectfully. 

She gave a small smile "Let's keep it that way for a little while longer. I know I'm not the poster child for celibacy, and I'm not trying to plan your relationship with my daughter, but you should take this advice when I give it to you: wait it out and get to know each other before you get into bed." 

I responded to her quickly, almost defensively "Just so you know, I would never compromise Lucia or make her do anything she didn't want to."

She glanced up and I noticed the crowd was starting to disperse when she leaned in closer "I do suppose it goes without saying that if you hurt her, you're as good as dead."

I swallowed hard, nodding.

She smiled and it was a pleasant smile that made her face seem not so harsh. She leaned back and waited for her mate.

I caught him jogging towards her and swinging her into his arms, laughing maniacally, before I left the hall, anxious to get away from her.

I knew for sure she wasn't human then. Humans with strange scents didn't scare me this much.

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