Friend's blood

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J-Dog's POV

I head the way I know they went and as soon as I've only walked a few meters, I hear the classic zombie groaning. I check my gun only to discover that I only have a few bullets left. "Fuck." I mumble as I look around. There's zombies coming slowly at me from my left, so I head right of course. Not gonna be stupid like "the classic horror movie people". If I'm gonna die, I'm not gonna die because I ran in the wrong direction and tripped.

As I run, I pass wrecked cars, dead people and surprisingly, some animals like cats and dogs. I stop by an alley to get my breath back. I look behind me and I seem to have been able to run away from the walkers. Then again, they are slow and I am fast, so I guess I could have exepected that. 

There's no going back now. The guys are probably long gone. I shouldnt expect to see them ever again. 

Charlie Scene's POV

Finally noticing that Jorel is gone, is shit. I thought he was with us, but he isnt. Everyone is now looking like crazy, but no one is finding him and I doubt we ever will. No point in telling the rest about what I think though. I mean, I already tried. They don't want to believe it, I'm guessing. The hard truth is that Jorel is probably dead when we find him, or maybe worse. Dead alive. 

"Any signs?" George asks Daniel who's standing on top of a van in an attempt to see everything going on in the street forward. "No." He simply answers. George sighs. "You don't have to be so emotionless." I say as I load my gun. "I'm not. The thing is that Jay isnt coming back and we still bother wasting time on looking for him." Daniel explains. I guess I wasnt the only one who had understood that he wasnt coming back after all. 

The sun was already setting as we decided to just move on. Losing Jorel was a big deal, but it couldnt stop us from surviving. We had already been looking for way too long and looking any more now, was no point. He was most likely dead already anyway. In case he was dead alive, or more undead than he is, it was better if we didnt find him. 

"Get your weapons ready, guys." I sighed as I saw some zombies eating something. We tried to sneak by them, but the idiot Johnny managed to step on some leaves that had fallen from God knows what tree. The zombies heard it. They turned their heads and started coming for us. Everything went fast. No shots got fired though. It was over in just maybe 3 minutes.

These zombies was surprisingly easy to kill as none of them seemed like they had been grown up adults back when they werent walking corpses. A knife through each of their skulls, killed them off quick. There was one left. It had ignored us and it was eating of the... still living person that was laying there. The person was most likely a guy as the painful moans he was making, was darker than a chick's moans. The shoes seemed to be very alike someone I knew's shoes. Like... Jorel's...

Funny Man's POV

I held onto my arm tightly. Whatever had just hurt me, had hurt me good. My own blood was soaking my sweater sleeve. I couldnt let the others see it. No way in hell...

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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