Chapter 2

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After arriving at the hotel, Reagan and Andrea hurried to there room. They had gotten to share a suite separate from the other girls. They had both been very excited about that.

The room was spacy, quite large actually for only two people. Reagan took the bed nearest the door, pilling her suit cases on top of it like a fort. "This is Reagan's kingdom! All who trespass will be shot at!" She giggled.

Andrea didn't protest or even acknowledge her.  She simply flopped down on her own bed and stared at her cell phone.

"What do you get out of texting that trashy guy?" Reagan asked, crossing her arms.

"He isn't trashy." Andrea replied plainly. "He's quite the gentleman." 

Reagan rolled her eyes. "Ha! That's a good on Andrea. If Dominic was any kind of gentleman, he would have jumped first thing to come on this trip with you! We're in Paris for crying out loud! How romantic is that!?"

Andrea huffed and grabbed a pillow, chucking it at Reagan's face. "Just get off my case, okay?"

Reagan caught the pillow, laying it down on the bed and getting up. "Someone's touchy..." She muttered, pacing back and forth in the room.

"Why the heck are you pacing?" Andrea sat up a little, watching Reagan curiously.

"I'm thinking..." Reagan countered, not looking up from the ground.

Andrea sighed. "I get that. That is what scares me. You only pace when you need an idea, and that idea usually leads to trouble. point is, why the heck are you pacing and what kind of trouble are you getting yourself into now?"

Reagan stopped a moment to give Andrea an innocent expression before pacing again and chuckling. "I need to sneak into the Paris Opera House." She said plainly.

Andrea got  up off the bed and walked over to her, stopping Reagan in mid-stride. "So help me Reagan, if this is just to see if the stinking Phantom is real or not, I promise you he isn't. But! If he were real, he would have been long dead by now. And I mean LONG dead. Got that?"

"That, is where you are wrong. He isn't dead. I know he's not." Reagan countered, pushing Andrea out of the way so she could continue to pace.

"Oh my gosh, Reagan Christine! You are so stubborn headed! He's dead! Gone! Nonexistent! Comprendo mi amiga!?" Andrea tried to persuade her friend.

Reagan simply shook her head. "No comprendo espanol, mi amiga..."

Andrea sighed angrily and stopped Reagan, putting her hands on Reagan's shoulders. "Listen. We got tickets to that silly little concert AT the Paris Opera House. Just wait till Tuesday and you'll be in without getting caught by the police!"

"The cops won't let me snoop around in the lower cellars." Reagan countered.

"Oh my're an idiot. I give up! Go! GO! You go ahead and get caught by the police and then send a picture to your mother and father who will be so glad to see that their daughter got taking to jail on her trip to Paris." Andrea stomped back to her bed.

Reagan smiled. "Well, I'm glad we see eye to eye then."

* * *


Reagan tossed and turned in her bed. Her mind was on one thing alone. The Phantom himself. She knew he was real. She knew he had called to her in the airport terminal, and she knew that she had to meet him.

A small sliver of doubt poked at her. What if Andrea was right? What if he was long gone...or worse, what if he was fake?

No! She'd push any of those thoughts from her mind. She'd go and find him; the real, living Phantom. Yes! That was what she would do.

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