Chapter 3:I had the time of my life with you

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Chapter 3: I had the time of my life with you.

Word of advice don't cry yourself to sleep because in the morning you are left with a pounding headache, puffy eyes, a red nose and a sense that your entire world is crashing down on you and you don't know what to about that. Why did I walk into that bedroom last night? Why did this happen to me? I know I was horrible to Jack last night but in my defense I don't do well when I have a big decision to make. I know if it was me I would want to know right away if someone is cheating on me. But then again this isn't my secret to tell. I don't tell other people's secrets. No matter of how bad I want to.


I don't want to move or do anything that makes me thing of him and last night. I may seen dramatic but no one can understand the guilt that I carry. I know that I should tell him but another part of me is telling me not to. He will find out on his own. This is why I don't like when people tell me secrets. I have to tell him because that he has a right to know. But I don't want to tell him because this isn't any of my business. It is your business because he will be yours after you tell him. Ahhhh!! I have no idea what to do. Wallowing in my thoughts my phone goes off. Its Jack but I know that I will tell him the minute I hear his sweet voice. Ding! That's the door I should better get that. I open the door and its Jack.


“Please let me in. What is going on with you? You won't answer my calls. I need to know that you are ok.”


“I don't thi-”


“Please Ally I need to know that you are OK.”


“OK” Jack walks to the couch and sits down.


“Jack, I really don't know how to tell you.”


“Ally tell me what, you are scaring me”


“Promise me you won't yell or get mad at me.”


“I promise”


“At the party last night I saw Bailey, I was looking for you but I found her instead and she wasn't with you and that’s when I saw her with another guy. She was in her bed with him I didn't want to tell you last night, I didn-”


“Stop talking”


“What Jack I ju-”


“Why are you lying to me? I know you and Bailey have your differences but this is how you treat her when she says she wants to make a effort to be your friend. By spreading lies about her and mines relationship?”


“Jack she is cheating on you! How can you not see it?”


“I thought you were my friend! I thought you weren't this kind of person. Maybe Bailey was right about you.”


“Jack please don't say that. Bailey she doesn't know me like you do. You know I wouldn't want to sabotage your relationship on purpose.”


“No, Allyson I don't know you anymore. Ever since me and Bailey have been going out you've changed. You are this whole other person. I don't know what it is, and I don't want to be here to find out.”


“Jack... what are you saying?” I say barely containing that are threatening to fall.


“I can't see you, not right now. Your not the girl I once fell in love with anymore. You are so hostile towards Bailey.”


“I'm hostile towards her? How can you say that? She has you brainwashed! You were mine, one of my best friends, you changed.. she changed you. Your not the guy I fell in love.”


“Allyson, I have changed we are both growing up. We are graduating in a couple months, you are going to college a hour away from here and I’ll probably be here at community college. Who knows if we will see each other after we graduate.”


“Just leave, I can't, I won't have you in my house with you looking at me like that. It's like you don't even know me anymore. I gave you my heart, you were my first love and you still are. Your right no one knows if we will see each other after we graduate, because I don't want to remember you, not like this, so go.”


“Fine. I'll give you the space that we both deserve. Once your mature to act your own, come talk to me.” I hear the door slam and then I collapse to the floor, crying for the love I have lost, the one I honestly thought I was going to marry, the one who still has my heart. I don't want to feel this way anymore. My heart can't take the constant hope that someday we will get back together. I know that Jack knows how much I want to be with him. But all he does is shrug it off like I’m some puppy begging for food. He says he doesn't know if we will back together. He says little things like that we will get married when we are both 26, and that we will own a book store because he knows how much I love to read. He says that he will be the father of my children. He says that we will our graduation day just eating and hanging out with each other. When he says things like this I have hope that they will come true. He says these things not knowing what kind of impact they have on my heart. I honestly don't know why I still love him after all these years. He clearly doesn't love me anymore. What am I holding on to? I know I was so happy when I was his girlfriend. He is the one I tell everything to. There are things that I have told him that I haven't even told my best friends. I look at him and my heart skips a beat.


This is my worst nightmare come true. Yeah me and Jack have had our fights. But they were mostly my fault. I told him I needed space because I was confused when it came to what I wanted from him. They were exactly fights we just wouldn't talk because I asked him to give us space and I felt miserable when I asked him to do that. But this is different this is both of our doings. He is choosing her over me. He doesn't realize that I would whatever so he would be happy. I have the best time when I am with him. He makes me smile, laugh and I know that when I’m in his arms I’m the luckiest girl in the world.

Authors Note: Not the best chapter or the longest. Please Comment, Vote, Fan. If you want I will read your stories.

































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