A girl who is a young model . who will love a man (Harry) .. and harry will disappointed her and ..we will see what will happen i hope you like it and if you like it please vote and i will update every day and i'm not good enough in English.....am...
Hello guys im trying to make somthing different in this story like a love story between zac efron and kayla .......and we will see Harry's reaction you will see everything just keep in touch people !! Vote comment .....lol ! _________________________________________ Day passes. ......and i move on after me and harry argument .....Now im avoiding him and he is to ...we still friend's he always text me ....and said hello How are you like that .....Normal conversation and Joe he is not talking to me at all ........im sad really but i don't care ......Today guys is the most important day ever .......Today is Billboard award day ........me And zac Now friends we train's alot these days and finally today is the day .............i Buy a really expensive dress and high heels ........the dress backless ......take alook
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This is my tonight's outfit ........i start to prepare myself and im done now a take a last look then i get out from the building ....jake waiting for me ......i get in and im in my way .......i get out from the car .....all celebrities looking at me ...........alot of people take alot of pictures of me ......i start walk and i get in the back stage door ........"Hello kayla welcome ....in your time sweet heart " my manager .........." Hello " .....i hug him he hug me back ......"..take the papers and read it One direction the first band will sing okay ( Love you good bye ).....like you and zac train's " ..........."Okay yes i know " ........" Now Alexander will check your makeup okay " ........."Okay where is zac"........" In his way " ......i walk towards Alexander ..." You are beautiful and i like your natural make up so i will do nothing " .................." Thank you " .......i hug him ..... I always hug people i don't know why ........one direction now in backstage and some girl called Lou teasdle ....fixing them ....and that i heard from Alexander .........
Where is zac ! I keep walking in backstage ...,..eating sweets waiting for Zac ...i hear laughing .......One directions voice sure .........i keep walking to see if zac come or not ..................i keep walking ...i see them ........liam walks towards me " Kaylaaaaaa" ........"liamm" we laugh and he hug me so tight i hug him back ..." Im so happy to see you it's along time really " ....." Yes ...i miss you so much " ......the rest of his mates standing and stare at me and whisper things to each other Harry he is cute stunning really what a long time...... ........... Suddenly zac come ....and take my hand and pull me into him for a hug ......he hug me tight ......tighter than liam ......" I know im late ....andddd..... look at you .....you are stunning and sexy " ......." Thank you and too look at you " we laugh and liam still standing .........i see harry looking at me and zac.........i look away ......zac say hi to liam and they huged ........" Kayla ...zac ready ...." ...,..yes 1 ..2 ...3
People screaming ..........Hellooooo we kept talking like an Hour ........." And now we Have one direction ( love you good bye ) .......people scream ......me and zac run back stage ........ And they get out singing .......liam start .....yeah.
It's inevitable everything that's good comes to an end It's impossible to know if after this we can still be friends, yeah
Harry turn around to look at me ......why he look at me ...like he said these words that liam singing is to me ...........i turn around and walks in back stage ......mad angry i don't want to remember him .........then i pumping into someone .......he said " im so sorry really it's my fault " ........." No its okay and it's my fault " he laugh and me too ............" Luke himmings " ....." Kayla Deli " ......." Yes i see you ....you are the Model in Justin 's video " .........." Yes and i love your band 5Sos " " really im so happy....kayla you look beautiful really and your dress is amazing ....." ............." Thank you " ......" Say hi to my mates " .,......" Yes sure " ..........i said hi they are amazing and luke was cute and his blonde hair
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" guys i have to go now nice to meet you " ..... I said and runing .....onedirection they finshed and they walking towards me and zac now ......me and zac run towards stage ...... " One direction guys i hope you enjoy it " i said ......" Lets call them" ........" One directiooon " ...Me and zac said in the same time ........people scream..........they run towards us to say hi ......Niall and liam and louis hug me and now Harry turn ......." Hello " ...." Hello " ......he hug me small hug .........." So guys we hear that you want to take break after your new album " .....i said ....liam talk a few minutes and then Harry " yes we have to see our life and take rest " .....his eyes people ............ After finishing ...... Now break ......me and zac run toward back stage one direction still there. .........
"Kayla "... " luke" .......we laugh and i keep talking with his mates they are amazing .....really we exchange numbers .......and now they turn to sing he give me small hug before they run to the stage ... Liam come towards me " I see that you have agood relation with 5Sos " .......i laugh " yes they are amazing ." ........liam look angry i don't know why ! ....his mates come share the conversation with us ...." Nice dress kayla " .....louis said ....."Thank you really look at you ....you are amazing all of you " .....i said ....Harry join us and said " Thanks " .....i hear 5sos singing my favorite song
You look so perfect standing there In my American Apparel underwear And I know now, that I'm so down Your lipstick stain is a work of art I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart And I know now, that I'm so down (hey!)
I sing with them ....." You are a big fan " ....liam said ...." No im not i just love this song so much " ......" And liam i love the song that you guys sing it love you good bye its amazing " .........Harry look at me in a weird way ......." And when you will come with us the last tour you will love us more than them " .liam said ..........i laugh..... " sure ....i just know one of them and i know only one song ...im not fan liam and guys there is a party after the celebration you will come " .........."yes we are and nice dress kayla " .Harry said. .....
" thanks "........after the celebration we all going to the party and zac drive's me. ....zac was so fuckin cute i feel that i want to kiss him lol .......and we are now infront of the club ....... ------------------------------------------------------------- Hello guys ... this chapter so bad i know but im sorry ........i have exams ..and i will finish next Wednesday ......but i will do my best to update love you all :*