i'm trying to move on

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After 3 months .......................... ............................

Im now in La and i have to pick my things because .... finally ...im going back to New york and to my house ........i stayed 3 months ....here shooting ...the film with zac....and im so tired ... I guess you guys asking about ..Harry ...but really i have nothing to say ...after the last party .....we didnt talk ....he didn't even text me ...i guess he forget me ...i was nothing to him .......i was a toy .....they makes me lose my bestfriend ...makes me lose my lovely boyfriend.........zac......today the last scene.....in (we are your frirends) .....zac's film he is agood actor.......really..... i travel paris with him to shoot the make out scene there.......the most amazing feeling and part in the movie.....but i cry alot this day really .......i want him back .....but he didnt want to give me another chance ......by thhe way im going,... to New york finally .........im Happy alone ....but with joe .....he is amazing friend ......he always there for me always ..........,......i back to the hotel and pick my things then i get out ....i look at the room that next to mine .....it was Harry's room .....ohh i miss those days .....kayla get that asshole out from your fuckin head .......i pick my bags and then i get in the cap and i finally reach the airport ... ...and paps and fans every where i run with my guard to the plane............

Finally new york home .........."New yooooork" ....i yell .....when i get off the plane .......... There are fans everywhere ....i smile i was happy cause im in my home now ......."Kayla can i take picture with you ?! "......."sure girls ...."....i take alot of pictures ....with them ....."Kayla why you break up with zac"......."you know problems ..."......"is harry the reason "....i look at the girl awkwardly ....."what Harry who !"......"daah Harrystyles from onedirection... Why you are pretending like you didn't know him anyway you didnt desrve harry ....he is a good and you are a whore ...."..........." What!"....my breathing .......keep..... breathe kayla breathe ........i fell in the ground .....i stand up immediately .......tears all over my face the guard take me to the car ....and jake my driver start to drive ...i open the window .....and i said to the girl "take bitch "....and i pull my middle finger out .. ........thanks god she didn't snap it ........i know im rude but she deserve it any way ...................

I miss my parents ..... So much ....i know they are not there ....and in another good place .....but i miss talking with my mum .......i miss her hug i miss every thing ....i need a hug i need like someone support me .........i grab my phone i know that 5sos here in new york they have a tour ....i called luke ......" Hey luke ...i know that you are in ....New york ...what about have dinner togther ? !......."kaylaaaaaaaa for god sake yes sure ....definitely ..i missed you by the way .....byee" .....i hang up then i finally reach the building ......i dont know harry in new york or la .....but any way i dont want to see him ....he is asshole ...........i get in the elevator .....and finally reach my floor i get out ......and i walk in the hallway ......and then my and harry apartments ......i hear nothing from harry apartment ...i guess he still in La with kendall ......what ever .. i open my apartment .....i throw my bags .....and i run upstairs to my room and sleep..............

I was awaken by the sound of my mobile ......." Hello ...who are you ...!...i yell ...i was sleeping ....lol ...."who are you !! ......your manager .....kayla ..wake up ....you have to go to london .......we have a fashion show .....and london is your city .......you have to come ...its Burberry spring summer show .....i called you alot .....and you didn't respond ...second it's important show ....alot of actors and celebrities ..will be there ...and you one of my important model ....so ....take any plane ...and come ..that your career kayla ...." ......

......"wait wait wait ......i will figure it out ....okay .....i will see "........"what the hell kayla you will see......what is goin on wih you.......you will lose your jop and your career ....."........"okay oaky im coming im just mad at you ....when i will come we have to talk okay !" ........He hang up .....stupid manager ...........thanks god my clothes still in the suitcases ............

It's ..Dinner timeeeeee now .....i wear i simple black strapless dress ......and i get in the car ......."jake i want you to teach me how to drive please ....you know im old now llol im 19 .....and i want to drive and buy new car ....."......"okay today at night .....after you finish your dinner" ......"sure jakey....."............he laugh ...finally i reach the restaurant .....i see luke we hug each other tightly ....and i see flash ....everywhere .....Holy shit .........we talk alot and laugh .......... i tell him everything and a tear drop when im telling him my story with harry ......i see flash ....fuck really ......"kayla baby look i will tell you ....somthing ....and promise me you will keep it in your brain always ... ....don't let the world ...break a young girl like you.....you are too young to let the world destroy and break .you .........you are strong ....just ignore him ..and move on you need to move on ..kayla ...."....."thanks luke for coming im glad you listen to me ".........

We say our good byes .......and i wait for jake ..........he come and i learn how to drive ....finally ...............i go back home ......and he pick my bags and im in my way the airport ..............

I can't believe im going to london .......after my parent's died....i moved from london ... to newyork and i don't wanna go back ......i have house there ...my family house ........and i guess it's a chance to visit my parents ...grave's.........

I finally reach london now .......i miss London .....i miss everything.............. I call a cap ...and i reach the hotel and i get in to my massive room and sleep ...finally i will speak with my own accent..........,before i sleep take a picture ....in my snapchat ...and i type ...hello london ....and i put it in Instagram ............then i sleep.....

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