A girl who is a young model . who will love a man (Harry) .. and harry will disappointed her and ..we will see what will happen i hope you like it and if you like it please vote and i will update every day and i'm not good enough in English.....am...
I wake up ....i have a headache ....yesterday i cry alot ...i know im stupid ...why i fall for him so hard ......why i still love him ....i have a boy friend now ...and i cheated on him ...i have to tell him every thing ......zac he adores me ......he always call me everyday .....and text me alot of message's and buy me gifts and he always tell me that he love mee...always ....and i cheated on him .....i'm whore i'm slut .............i decide to buy coffe and to have breakfast im sure the boys now eating .....i wear lace and mesh mini skirt and a crossover white crop top and minimal white heels and white clutch ......and i was about do my hair in a pun but i remember Harry love my hair left up because he like to see my neck ........so i straighten my hair and i do eyeliner .......thats it
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i decide after i have breakfast ..i will do shopping i love LA ...so much .....i don't know anything in this city ....but i come here before for photo shooting .......i get in the elevator ......and i see a familiar face ......i know him ......."wait do i know you " i tell him ....." Yes you were the hot host ....in the.." .......i cut him " yes yes Ashton from 5sos band right .." .............."yes iam and i know your name by the way the sexy and hot model Kayla"........i laugh " thank you nice to meet you " ........."me to "" .........
5sos are here .....really .....im gonna see luke i guess ......he walk with me and he buy me a coffe and we talk ...and he is so funny really so funny and his accent Australian i guess and his cute smile and his tall frame.......i look at one of the table i see the boys eating break fast but liam and harry and louis ...looking at us ...and niall eating ..........ashton look at them "oh one direction is here"......."yes they are im with them ....they invited me to tour with them" ............."thats nice come with me im gonna say hi to them " ....."okay" .......
I walk with him toward the table and i see Harry look at me and liam too but in angry way ....i ignore them .....Ashton say hi to the boys ...and talk with them ....and then .....ashton say bye to me .......and i sit next to naill and i didn't say anything........"nice out fit kayla are you going out" Louis said ......."hmmmm yes iam "........."with who?".........."by myself "......"but you know nothing here !?"Harry said ......."i know harry i will figure it out by my self "......i look at him in angry way and i stand up and i decide go to my room .......iam really so mad ....and angry ....and i know i have no right to get mad at harry ...because at the end im not his girlfriend im just a friend ......and kendall ....Harry's girlfriend .....but my question why he treat me like im more than a friend to him and why he want to kiss me and have sex with me ........i guess he is a manwhore that who want to use girls .......he use me alot ...he use me and hurt me and why we always ended up sleeping togther .......im wondering that if he gonna tell kendall ....that he cheated on her .......for me im gonna tell Zac but im ao afraid ....that i'm gonna lose him ..........but god with me ......i pull my leg to my chest ...im sitting in the couch ......then i stand up .....i decide to stand in the balcony ....lA air is amazing and the view ...breathtaking .....i love it
Then surprisingly i found a hand in my waist and press him self against me " GUESS WHO" ....."Harry get off me " .....and i start to turn around i found Zac ......not Harry ....i freeze ......."z..z..zac baby" .......and i hug him a deep hug ....i feel guilty ....." I come to surprise you ....baby ...but why you said Harry ....he do something wrong to you "..........."Zac no i just don't ....i miss you baby im so happy to see you really ....." ........i try to change the topic ........." Baby i miss you too ...i need to talk to you alot "......then he close the distance between me and him and kiss me ...i didn't kiss him back .....he so cute and hot and handsome .........but i feel guilty i feel like im slut .........."Kayla whats wrong with you why you are not kissing me back?!"......i walk and open the door and i was about to start walking he grab my wrist but hard ...."kayla stop here .......i want to talk to you ...i feel like you didn't want me ....and you and Harry paps take alot of pic of you two .....i feel something wrong tell me now ".................i hear sounds behind me ....sounds like Harry and liam .....i start to turn my head to ignore zac but he pull me against him " awwww zac your hands hurt me what the fuck " .........."Sorry but answer my question " he was yelling at me and his voice was so loud ............
I see liam get in his room and harry stop and look at us from his door room that next to mine ........."Another time zac i will answer you not now please".........." No now i want from you to answer me now "...........harry get in his room and close his door ......."Look ...zac sorry .....i will answer you but please don't get mad me and you have to know that i love you so much .......Zac i cheated on you "......." With Harry right"....... "Right " and i start crying but suddenly he slap me in my face " you are whore and slut i was about to build a house for us ....fuck you ".... The slap was hard tears all over my face ....... " but Harry have a girlfriend and i will tell her " .......he type kendall number and talk to her and then he laugh and hang up ...."kayla ..you are stupid it was a game that kendall plan it ......to see that you are virgin or not and to tell you that you are whore and that you take her boyfriend.....and they win ' he laugh "and you lose your boyfriend and your life"..........."What !!!" ......."bye kayla".......he left me
Im standing infront of my door room ......i fall in the floor and i pull my leg at my chest ....and i put my head between my legs and cry Hard alot ...........i found naill getting out the elevator and his room infront of mine .....i didn't move i keep crying
He run towards me "Kaylaaaaaa whats wrong" .....he help me to stand "naill please can you take me out from this place i cant stay here " i wipe my tears....."why your cheek is so red"............."naill i will tell you everything just take me out of here "