A girl who is a young model . who will love a man (Harry) .. and harry will disappointed her and ..we will see what will happen i hope you like it and if you like it please vote and i will update every day and i'm not good enough in English.....am...
I walk inside ....i ask kendall "where is bella " ......"i guess in the bathroom " she smile to me ......."bella are you there " i knock
Then the door open ..
I hug her ... "How are you " "Fine kayla im just want to go home " "Bell bell ...you have to be excited forget about him ...live your life girl i know its hard ..but do it for me or for your future for your fans do it ..and forget about him .."
She hug me tight "Kayla thank you for being my sister ..i know i have a sister but she don't give a fuck about me ..thank you kayla for being here with me "
I smile ...to her
It's time ....to get ready ... "Girlssss are you ready .....kayla ready girl "yes iaaaaam " ...the security take my hand and push me
Adam is singing Animals ...feel the beat kayla feel it ......
"You can run free you can find another fish on the see " ....i walk with the wings and dancing and singing the song ....
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once adam see me ...he hold my hand ...i dance with him ...then i do my pose ...then he come from behind and he kiss my cheek ....fuck !! ...i will be rumored for sure ....i smile to him....and i go back and bella start to walk ...she smile to me hard ...i smile back ..once i finished ....i run ...backstage
"It was amazing ...really ..that's why you are the first ..i love your confidence " my manager said ...
I smile to him and i thanked him the rest of the girl's clap to me ...but gigi and kendall not ...cause they are jealous...
Once bella finished her walk i run with her to wear our next items lmfao I see onedirection preparing themselves .........
I found the weekend with them laughing ...bella look at me ...
"Kayla i can't do it ! "_ "Fuck you ! Don't say that just forget about this asshole ..don't think about him he is just a cheater ..your future is the most important thing now and the show ! .. You have to go and walk and show him how brave you are and how strong you are without him bella ".....i yell hard because she make's me very angry with her word's! ........
Louis and Harry look at us ! And my manager
She cry and she hug me tight "Is something wrong kayla"my manager said
"No no it's okay she is just nervous cause she is gonna walk first "
He nod and Harry roll his eyes and Louis mouth to me ...
"You are not good at lying" ...i laugh .... "Bella be Ready" my manager said
She smile to me and wipe her tears immediately ..
The makeup artist fixed her make up
And i stand next louis and Cara and Harry beside louis