Chapter 12

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I woke up and everything from last night came flashing through my eyes. The dream, Avalon being taken, Phillip trying to kidnap Brinley.

The hospital lights in my room were bright and a little blinding, so I buried my head into Clays chest, and he let out a soft groan. A small giggle escaped my lips, and he popped one eye open. I smiled up at him playfully, and he just continued to look at me, a small smile playing on his face.

"Good morning," I said, resting my arms on his chest and my chin on my arms.

"Morning," he said groggily, and it was probably one of the sexiest things I've ever heard. I leaned over and planted my lips on his, feeling the smile grow on his lips.

"How do you feel?" Clay asked, continuing to plant little pecks on my lips, the lazy smile on his face making me internally sigh at how perfect it looked.

"My ribs don't hurt at all anymore," I said, pulling away as I suddenly came to realization that my sister was taken. "Clay we have to go find Avalon."

"I know. Your dad, Sawyer, Phillip, and trackers and alphas from multiple packs are already working on finding the locations," Clay said.

"No! We can't just wait and stand by for the them to all of a sudden find all the locations and rescue them then," I shouted, and Clay hushed me soothingly, pulling me into his arms. "No one except for me knows what it's like," I said quietly, resting my head on his chest. "We have to go and actually hunt for them while we're looking for locations."

"Let's talk to your dad about it," he said quietly, rubbing his arm up and down my back.

"No. My dad would never let me go. Not after he just got me back. And I'm the only one that would even have ideas to start with of where other locations could be," I said, my voice sounding more confident then I actually felt. "We have to go out and search, not sit in a room and think we found a location, plan out an attack, and it's not even where an actual location is."

"So you want to go out hunting for locations?" Clay questioned.

"Yes," I nodded, looking him in the eye. I don't know where all this newfound confidence was coming from but I wasn't going to waste it.

Clay seemed to be thinking about it before he nodded in agreement. "You're right. You are the only one who knows what to like. And you would know better than anyone where possible locations could be."

"Are you being serious!" I gasped.


"But how do we leave without my dad noticing?And Phillip needs to come with us. He's a great tracker and if he found me, he's bound to find Avalon with them being mates," I said.

"We can leave as soon as your dad is asleep in a couple days, we'll have a nights head start. And Phillip is on his way, I just mind linked him," my mate said, and a huge smile came onto my face. My mate was okay with this. He was helping with this plan.

"I love you," I smiled, throwing myself at him and smashing my lips to his. He fell back on the bed and kissed me back passionately, grabbing my waist to steady me on top of him.

"You do realize we're doing this in a hospital right," he mumbled into the kiss, and I fell onto the bed next to him because I started laughing so hard. He began to laugh with me, and that's how the nurse found us a couple minutes later.

"Good to see you're feeling better," Trinity said brightly with a smile, coming over with a clipboard in hand. Clay sat up and got off the bed, looking at me with a careless smile on his face. "I'm just going to do a quick check over and then you'll be set to go," she said.

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