Chapter 23

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I let out a sigh and opened my eyes, sitting up against the back wall of my cell. "Can't sleep?" Clay asked softly. I looked over at him and nodded.

"We have to figure out how to get out of here," I said quietly.

"The bars are too strong to pull apart whether or not there's wolfsbane in our system. We'll have to find another way out," Clay said. I looked over at him, the greenish blue eyes giving me an escape from what we had landed ourselves in.

"It's all my fault," I said quietly, looking down at my feet as tears started to fall down my face.

"Paisley why would you say that? This is not your fault," Clay said softly, reaching between the bars and grabbing my hands, gently pulling me so I was forced to move closer to him.

"I was the one that told Roger to lead us to the houses where all the alphas daughter's were and he lead us here, where there were men waiting to capt-" I stop mid sentence, astounded by what I had just realized.

"Pais?" Clay said, worry filling his face.

"How was he able to let the guards know that he was coming? Rogues can't mind link and he never did anything to get in contact with them," I said, trying to come up with an explanation.

"I don't know," Clay said, his face contorting into a look of concentration.

A couple hours passed and the Avalon and Phillip had woken up, but Lindley was still fast asleep in the corner of her cell, her dark hair almost covering her face.

"We're going to have to play some sort of mind game if we plan to escape," Avalon said.

"But how? If no one ever comes down here then there's no one to play a mind game with," I said. Just as I said that the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs became clear.

"Pretend to be asleep," I whispered quietly, and we all went back to where we had originally been sleeping.

"Which one did boss ask for again?" Said the gruff voice of a male.

"The blonde," another said, the voice belonging to a female. My body tensed at the sound of that, as the only blonde here was Avalon. I peeked open my eyes and saw Phillip jump up and race to the bars, yanking at them as his eyes darkened.

"Oh, looks like her mates the jealous type," the female mocked, letting out a small cackle as she unlocked Avalon's cage. Avalon was still pretending to be asleep.

I saw Clay stand up and ever so quietly sneaking forward, reaching his hand slowly between the bars. The man was standing with his back facing us, a key attached to a ring hanging out of his pocket. His fingers held the key and he slowly started pulling it out of the mans pocket.

"Get up blondie. Boss wants to see you," the woman said, giving Avalon a hard kick to the stomach.

Phillip let out a dangerous growl. "Don't put your filthy little hands on her."

"Oh, are you blind? My hands went no where near her. I used my foot, you see," the woman said. Phillip growled again but didn't speak.

What happened next happened so fast I barely had time to register it. Avalon's feet had swung forward and knocked the woman off her feet and as she fell, Avalon punched her in the face, knocking her out cold.

Before the man even had time to attack her she had already rammed him into the bars, his head hitting one and knocking him out cold. "I have the keys right here," Clay said, and he had already unlocked his cell and let himself out.

"What just happened?" Lindley asked, her eyes wide as she stared at the two knocked out bodies on the ground. She stood up and hurried over to the door of her cell.

"Avalon knocked them out, come on," Clay said as he unlocked my cell and hers, and Avalon had grabbed the woman's keys and unlocked Phillips cell.

"Wait! What if there's other daughters here?" I asked.

Clay turned around. "There were other doors in that room at the bottom of the stairs. If they're here they're gonna be in there."

"Let's go in groups," I said as we exited our cell room.

"If you here anyone coming try and stay hidden," Clay said, and the others nodded. "Paisley and Lindley, you're coming with me."

There were three other doors in the room , the stairs going along the far wall. Avalon and Phillip went to the one across from ours and Clay, Lindley and I went to the one next to ours.

There were six cells and three of them were occupied. Two of the girls were awake and one was sleeping, curled up in the corner of her cell. "I'm Paisley, Luna of the White Thorn pack and this is my mate Clayton, alpha of the White Thorn Pack. And this is his sister, Lindley. We're here to save you," I said immediately.

One of the girls let out a sigh of relief but both of them still looked weary. "I'm Hillary, I'm from the Winter Woods pack," said one girl. Her dark hair was a tangled mess, her hazel colored eyes holding a strong look.

"I'm Madison," said the other girl that was awake. Her blonde hair was up in a messy, tangled ponytail, her blue eyes holding the same look as Hillary's.

"Sarah, wake up," Hillary said, looking over at the last girl. I gasped at the familiar name and when the girl lifted her head up and her hair fell away from her face, I ran over to the cell she was in. I heard the clanging of Clayton unlocking Hillary and Madison from their cells.

"Sarah are you all right?" I asked, watching as she got up and pushed her light brown hair back away from her face.

"Paisley? I haven't seen you since we were like eleven! What happened to you?" She asked, limping over to the bars.

"I was kidnapped on my twelfth birthday. My dad and brothers rescued me about a month ago," I explained, moving out of the way so Clay could unlock the cell for her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"We've been out for like the past week or two saving all of the alphas daughters. We got captured a couple hours ago but we just got out," I said. "How long have you been here?" I asked.

"Six years," she answered, following us all out of the room. Avalon, a young teenage girl, and Phillip were there, all with worried looks on her faces.

"Avalon what's wrong?" I asked, looking between her and Phillip.

"You have to come quick," she whispered, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the room. There was a small body in the farthest cell, curled up in a ball. She had dark, raven colored hair that was scattered around her head and her skin had a natural tan to it.

Avalon and I rushed forward to check on her, the cell already unlocked. I gasped and let out a cry when I saw who it was. Her face was bloodied and bruised and the smell of blood was fresh on their air. The noticeable skin on her body was either bruised, cut, or had blood caked on it.

Her eyes flickered open revealing the familiar welcoming brown color, and a small smirk made its way onto her face. "I heard you would be coming."

Sorry again about the long wait but again I had writers block. ANYWAYS...



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