Chapter 30

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I woke up by myself this time, no noise disturbing my rest. I didn't even feel the slightest bit of pain in my shoulder as I sat up, and was glad that the stuff that Karissa had used worked regardless of the fact that these people were a bunch of world class bastards.

I went over my escape plan in my head, proud of myself that it now came naturally to me. Now it just came down to when I would actually escape. I had to wait until someone was coming into my room, and I had to be ready for that so if it happens by surprise I'm prepared.

Thinking of escaping brought a smile to my face. If everything went as planned, I would be able to relax for once, and I would hopefully be able to start leading my pack.


There it was.

Someone was unlocking the door. I hurried out of bed and quietly as I could and rushed to the door, picking up the lamp that I had set on the dresser. I grasped it in my hands and stood in position. When the door opened I would be right there on the other side.

The door opened and a man stepped through, and I swung the base of the lamp towards the back of his head as hard as I could. He grunted and fell face forward and didn't move after that. I blocked out any emotions that came anywhere close to guilt and grabbed the mans arms, pulling him into the room with a struggle. Once he was out of the doorway, I closed the door.

I pulled the gun strap around his head and off of him, carefully setting it to the side. I started taking his uniform off, leaving him in a pair of white boxers and a white t-shirt while I pulled the uniform on myself quickly.

I stood up, cringing at how awful the uniform looked on me. It was huge and hung off of my body, which was already thinner then average. I grabbed the gun and held it in a way that felt comfortable, making sure I knew where the functions were on it before slinging it over my shoulder.

(A/N - The closest thing I've ever held to a gun is a nerf gun. I've never even seen a real gun unless TV shows count so don't judge me on my lack of knowledge)

This was it. Step one of my escape was completed.

I felt around in my pockets until I found what I was looking for, pulling it out and examining it.

I cautiously opened the door and peeked my head out. I could either go right or left, and I had no idea which one lead to the stairs. I decided to go left first, hoping luck would be on my side. I didn't wanna waste any time in here.

I stepped out of the room and turned around, locking the guy that I knocked out inside of it.

Suck on that you bastard.

I made my way left down the hall way and turned right at the corner, and was relieved to see a staircase. I took a deep breath and went down it, praying that I wouldn't run in to any other guards. I knew what I would say if I happened to but it was still better to avoid it happening at all cost.

I started towards what I knew was the back of the house. Whenever I hit a corner, I would carefully check around it before turning so I wouldn't run into any guards. I had success until my last corner, where a guard was leaning against the wall opposite a door.

The back door that lead to my escape.

The only option I had was knocking him out and quickly escaping. Something was telling me that I wouldn't be able to walk through that door without him asking me questions.

I slung the gun off of my back, not preparing to shoot it but to wack the butt of it on the guards head. It was the closest thing to a weapon I had (well it actually was a weapon but shooting it would make a lot of noise and that would ruin my entire escape plan) and I didn't trust my fighting skills at the moment.

I took a deep, silent breath before running down the hall on my toes, and by the time the guard saw me it was too late. The butt of the gun smacked the side of his head and he crumpled to the floor. I took a deep breath to calm my now-racing heart before looking around to make sure no one else was around.

I unlocked the back door and opened it slowly, thanking the moon goddess that it didn't make a sound. I stepped out into the white wooden porch, and closed the door behind me as quietly as I could.

The sky was a mixture of pinks and oranges and it looked like the sun was now setting. Perfect. Once they realized I was gone they would probably send people out to look for me, and if it was dark it would be harder to find me.

I crossed the porch and went down the four steps, and then I bolted into the woods. The sun was setting on my right, so I knew that I was heading South. Hopefully nothing would cause me to get of course through out the night or I would most likely end up dead.

I pushed my legs to go faster, even though I was already having trouble breathing. I was thanking the moon goddess for the alpha blood in me especially right now. I wanted to shift right now because I would be able to run faster and my stamina would be better then it is now, but I had to stay in human form at the time being. If the rogues caught up with me it would be easier to hide from them, and they would expect me to be in wolf form anyways.

As it became darker, it also became colder and I realized that it must be at least November. I lost track of time while we were on the run and I don't how long we all spent in the rogues house.

I should have been shivering at the temperature right now, but with werewolf genes were naturally warmer and our body's are able to stay that way no matter how cold it becomes.

I ran for a little while longer before deciding it was safe to shift, and I did. I didn't care about my clothes tearing because they weren't even mine in the first place.

I ran through the night, and when the sun began to rise I knew I was close to my pack lands. Well, Sawyers pack lands. My pack was the White Thorn pack now.

The sun began to rise on my left and the air began to warm up. I stopped running once I reached a clearing with a small pond in it.

My clearing.

I trotted over to the pond and lapped up water for what felt like hours. My throat was sore and felt raw, and the cool water felt amazing as it slid down into my stomach.

Once I felt a little better, though my stomach was now full of water, I took off in the direction of my house, hoping my dad would be there. I reached it in a matter of minutes, and shifted at the tree line, looking for the bin around here with spare clothes.

I found it and pulled on an old high school t-shirt and a pair of black leggings before running to the back door. It was locked.

"Mom! Dad!" I screamed as I pounded on the door, not even caring that it was probably seven or eight in the morning and they were both probably sleeping.

The door unlocked and swung open, and my mom stood there for a second before pulling me into a hug. My dad appeared at the bad of the stairs and he came over, wrapping his arms around both my mom and I.

"Paisley! Where's everyone else?" My dad asked quickly after he pulled away.

"Canada . . . about three hours from the border . . . in a big white house," I managed to get out, the exhaustion finally catching up to me. "Bring the warriors . . . most of the rogues are there," I said, and then I fainted.

Sorry for the long wait again. I'm just having a lot of writers block lately on how to add up to the big stuff hat happens or things in between big things.

Now I gotta ask a question so please read.

I kinda wanna do a spin off story about Carly (Ali and Smith's first child) and Conner (Thomas and Mia's first child) and their story at the beginning. It wouldn't be that long (probably anywhere between like 10-20 chapters) but I have it all planned out and I think it would be really fun.

Just let me know if you guys want to see it or not!



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