Chapter 24

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"Nadia! What happened to you?" I gasped, looking at all of her injuries.

"I tend to rebel a lot. And if they were going to talk Beth I would put up quite a fight for them to take me instead," she explained, her signature, daring smirk on her face.

I realized that the young teenage girl must be Beth. "Are you alright though?"

"I'm fine," she said, attempting to sit up and groaning through the process. I helped her lean her back against the back wall of her cell.

"We need to come up with a plan to get out of here," I said, looking around at everyone.

"It's going to be next to impossible. They have at least twenty guards up there twenty four seven," Beth said, sitting down next to Nadia.

"We realized that. We need to play some sort of mind game with them," I said.

"How though?" Sarah asked.

"I think I have an idea," Avalon smirked, all eyes turning to her.


"Are you sure this is going to work?" Madison asked, her eyes looking between the nine of us.

"No, but it's the best plan we've got," Avalon said.

"It's the only plan we've got," Nadia smirked. She had managed to get to her feet and walk a little bit, but the pain was evident in her eyes.

Nadia had always been one of the strongest people I knew. She was brave, daring, fearless, and didn't take shit from anybody. She was everything I had ever dreamed to be. Her true colors were shining now as she pretended that she wouldn't need at least a month to recover fully from all the injuries covering her body.

"Does everybody remember what their part of the plan is?" Avalon asked. Everyone nodded, and we were all just about to go upstairs and put our plan into action when the unmistakable sound of footsteps was heard coming down the basement stairs.

"Shit," Clay cursed.

"What are we gonna do?" Madison asked, looking around with wide eyes.

"We're going to have to fight whoever's coming down. It's too late to go back to our cells," I said, the confident side of me coming out.

"But some of us don't know how to fight," Madison said.

"If you don't want to fight go into the farthest cell and lock yourselves in," Clay said, handing them the keys. Madison took them and ran to the last cell, and Beth followed her, along with Sarah and Lindley.

"Nadia-" I started, turning to the dark haired girl, but she cut me off.

"I am fighting. Don't think for one second that I'm going to let you guys have all the fun," she smirked. I stared at her for a couple seconds before I nodded, knowing there was no changing her mind. "Just be careful."

"Of course I'll be careful," she smirked. "I always am." I let out a very in attractive snort at that.

"Uh huh, I'm sure," I said.

The six of us fighting got into position. Clay and Phillip were on either side of the door, ready to pounce the second anyone entered.

We all heard one of the doors open, a growl, and the slamming open of another door. The door of our cell room was slammed open by a man and Clay immediately pounced. Phillip helped hold the man down, and together they threw the struggling body in a cell and locked him in.

"What the fuck!" The man growled.

"Some of your people aren't as smart as you think they are," Nadia smirked, reaching through the bars and landing a blow to his head, knocking him out.She turned back to us. "I have a plan B," she said. "But we can't talk about it here," she said, motioning to the man we had captured. "I don't want him waking up."

"You three stay here," Nadia said, pointing at Avalon, Phillip and Hillary. Avalon had a fierce, daring looking in her eyes as she nodded and gave Nadia a smirk to match hers. Phillip just looked at Avalon and seemed to agree. Hillary just nodded.

"You two come with me," she said, looking at Clay and I before leading us out of the cell room. She was about to lead us into one of the vacant ones bridge I remembered something.

"Wait, there's two more people that Avalon knocked out in that cell room," I said, pointing to the one.

"Let's get them locked up quickly," she said, jogging into the room that I had pointed to with Clay and I following her. The man and woman that Avalon had knocked out were still laying where we had left them. Clay grabbed the man and through him over his shoulder, and I managed to throw the woman over my shoulder.

"No," I told Nadia when she tried to help. "You're severely injured and I don't even know how you're walking right now, let alone ready to fight your way out."

She smirked. "I'm an Anchermen. We don't give up no matter what," she replied. I rolled my eyes but let the smile take over her face. Nadia wouldn't be Nadia if she ever gave up.

Clay and I brought the two back to the cell room with everyone in it and threw them into two separate cells and locked them in. "Are you guys doing alright?" I asked the girls that had locked themselves in to stay safe.

"Yeah, we're fine. You guys go figure out plan B," Lindley said, smiling at me. I nodded, then followed Nadia and Clay out of the cell room again. Nadia led us into an empty cell room and brought us to the farthest corner, and even then she talked in a whisper.

"What's plan B?" I whispered.

"We can capture them a couple at a time. We have to do it secretly though so we don't get ambushed," she replied.

"That's actually a good idea," Clay whispered. "But we're going to have to act soon."

"I know. I say we take out the guards one or two at a time. Taking the closest to us and slowly moving out," Nadia proposed.

"That might actually work. It's risky and could completely backfire on us but it's better then plan A. We'd have a better chance with it too," I whispered. Both of them nodded.

"Let's go tell everyone else, quickly. I don't want the three we have to catch on and let everyone know," Nadia said.

"Wait, how would they let them know? We would hear them if they shout and even then, you said earlier the basement is soundproof," I asked.

"They can mind link each other. I thought you know that," Nadia said, and I gasped, my eyes snapping to Clay.


"They had a mind link set up a couple years ago. Obviously they didn't tell anyone, other whys the perfect way of communication could be sabotaged," she said.

"But the only people who can set up a pack mind link between wolves is the council. Would they seriously do that?" I asked.

"No, they've ever gone to the council for anything," Nadia said.

"But then who set up the kind link for them?" My eyes were now going between Clay and Nadia, and it was Clay who spoke up.


Writers block again, I'm so sorry.

BUT GUYS WE WERE IN THE WHATS HOT LIST FOR WEREWOLF!! I mean it was #998 BUT STILL! LIKE IM STILL IN SHOCK AND IT HAPPENED OVER A DAY AGO!!! I know that's like not high at all but even being on the list is honestly a really awesome milestone in my book so don't judge or leave hate thanks


hopefully I'll be out of this writers block phase soon. I just need some chapters to lead up to what I have planned and I don't know what to do for that oops.




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